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Everything posted by landford.saint
If it’s one of the 3 Amigo’s:- Rooney, Lampard, Gerrard we will all know that SR and the board know sweet FA about football management.
Heard a rumour about bust up on training pitch this morning. Didn’t even think they were training today, so ignored it. But someone else mentioned it. Is it just rubbish Chinese whispers, or is there an element of truth in it.
If he is non-conformist, then church between 10-30 ish and midday. Sunday lunch, then to the ground for about 2pm sacked by 2-01pm
2% NJ’s wife, mum, brother, sister, dog, psychiatrist, therapist etc.
I am not as downbeat as some people on here about the Ings deal. On his day he has shown to be a very good striker. He has had a lot of long term knee injuries. But as far as I can see the only injuries last year were blisters and mild ankle injury. The money does seem high, but we don't know any clauses. It may be "we are obliged to buy only if his knees hold out". No one apart from the chosen few know the technicalities of his contract. I personally think he is a good striker, and I am quite optimistic.
He was indeed spot on. But only after half a dozen others had already stated it on here. About as ITK as me, and I am the least ITK person on the planet.
Bit confused with the negativity on here too. Assuming what I was told, and others including press have confirmed, this is just lawyers scribbling it down right, then the appropriate people signing it. Sparky said he was going on holiday this week, so I am guessing he and his family would want this settled quick so they can take their buckets and spades to Mudeford. Just chill and await. These things take time. "Good things come to those that wait".
Not a big drinker myself. Haven't been to The Arms in a long long time. Drop in at Red Rover occasionally with Mrs Landford on way back from the game though. Never met Mr Rockingham, although I do know that Mrs Rockingham is loathe to leave their current domicile if ever that was necessary. Mind you given the location, I would be loathe to move too.
Sorry. Can't help you there. As I said above I am definitely not in the know.... I just occasionally cross paths with someone who also supports Saints who's connection to the club I won't divulge.
No reason to think that LR is not doing the negotiating. But 'IF' (and that's a big IF) his influence is diminishing, perhaps that's why he suggested Mr A N Other, as opposed to Sparky who does not give the impression of being a 'Yes Man' and further diminishing his influence. Just a suggestion. Also if he is negotiating with Sparky, this reduced influence, would affect LR's bargaining position. The above is pure supposition based on no known facts at all.
I am the least ITK person on this forum. This was given to me by someone, who has given me what turned out to be accurate info in the past. Bowen and Niedzwiecki have agreed contracts and theirs are all sorted. Sparkies was delayed by a few small details including his re-assurances over Les Reeds influence (or lack of). The contract details are all now settled and once officially agreed and signed off by all parties, the announcement will be made, probably Monday. As someone above mentioned A N Other manager was put forward by LR, but this was quickly kicked into the long grass by the rest of the board.
I heard this and don't think it's true. But has anyone else heard the rumour. Basically Mr Eisner, is looking to dispose of the Skates. He has become disenchanted with some groups of the fans, the intransigence of local government planning dept's and that there are in place covenants on the land at Fat Pipes Park, meaning it can only be used for sporting/leisure purposes, greatly reducing its value when trying to use it as an asset to raise money to move or redevelope the stadium. Has anyone heard of these covenants? Or is any of this in the slightest bit plausible?
Someone much smarter than me once said "A sign of lunacy is to do the same thing over and over again, and keep expecting a different result". MoPe to me is showing this kind of lunacy. 24 games in and he keeps trying the same tactics over and over again expecting a different result.
I think Redmond has skill, pace, and bags of ability. The one thing he does lack is a football brain. Sometimes I think his head is only for keeping his ears apart. Players of far less skill and pace do so much better than him because they read a game so much better. They can see when things develop or break down. Redmond has not got a clue what is going on around him most of the time. He can't read a game, which makes him Champpionship at best.
MoPe said in a recent interview that he had quite a few things to change, but it would take time, he couldn't introduce everything at once. He would steadily integrate his new ideas and methods. Yesterday was a vast improvement on the turgid stuff last season, but it felt like when the team ran out of ideas or did not quite know what to do they instinctively reverted to the game-plan they had become indoctrinated with last season, something they knew well. I am not a bit disheartened by yesterday. In fact quite the opposite. I am too old to demand instant gratification or success, but I can see this new project with MoPe is going to make this next season very interesting indeed. Can't wait for the next step.
From what I recall, from the very beginning Lander were reported as to be borrowing to complete this deal. Yes, I know big business is often done by risking someone else's money, not your own. However does not give me great confidence that Lander would have money to invest in team after purchasing stake in club.
From my understanding. Some of above is true, with a little proviso. LR has 'drawn a line in the sand', and no transactions TO The Dippers will take place this window. VVD has backed himself into a corner. He sits and waits for another club to come forward with the £70M offer. (Not many of those about). Or he rejoins the squad and waits until things have cooled with Liverhampton, in another transfer window.
Ok... Thanks. Just interested to hear from anyone who goes, on their views of any changes in formation, tactics etc etc from last years thrill fest of a season.
I know it's only a pre-season friendly, but is there going to be a separate thread on today's game? Is there any chance there is going to be a feed on yo.utube or something.? And. Is anyone going? Must be a Saints fan who lives nearby who is going to bimble over and watch.
Personally I am quite hopeful on this appointment. TBH I had very little knowledge of him until mentioned on here in relation to coming to us. Was definitely not looking forward to another season of Puel, the football equivalent of 'health and safety', (designed to stop all things enjoyable). But actually trying to get somewhere in a cup, trying to get into Europe again, and trying to score goals will be a definite plus.
We all do it... We are demotivated and mess about a poor boss, and work our nadgers off for a good one. Human nature I suppose. Ref. Rockingham Arms, in reply to a previous post from yesterday, I can't now be bothered to find. I frequented the place late 70's early 80's, but have only been back once since, and that was about 5 years ago. Nothing to do with our common resident.
I am not in the know... Ever. However, these 2 bits of info came to me today. Can't openly reveal source, but it comes from inside the club. 1. Dusan's falling out with CP is widely reported even amongst the tabloids. However what is not openly reported is a number of players 'silent protest' of CP. This protest includes turning their backs on him in the dressing room, as well as non-communication with him. 2. A meeting has been called tomorrow to formally decide/declare CP's future. Believe it or not as you will, but this is my 3rd post today, so I can't comment more till tomorrow.
I am sorry for the blasphemy. However as blasphemy in my view is insulting or dishonouring some kind of God/Deity/or Holy Being, I am a bit confused to who I have Blashemed against. Is it The Saints? Or is it the great Les Reed, who in some eyes is infallible? Or is it those on here who believe they are always right about everything, and are therefore infallible, and we must listen to there every word as pearls of great wisdom and insight? Well I think they are "casting their pearls before swine". That's now 2 Bible references in the same thread. Is that an all time record?