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Gravesend Saint

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  1. Released list just annuonced: http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2052802,00.html
  2. Strikes off http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8598456.stm
  3. Does anyone know what happened with setting up the creditors committee?
  4. Hmmm, another "so called" rich guy with a company registered in the Virgin Islands? I'm noticing a disctinct pattern here.
  5. Erm, isn't that actually an administrators job?
  6. Must say, Mills had a great game. Lambert ruled the roost and Lalana was also great. Really nice to see waigo and Antonio get on the score-sheet - just goes to show not a bad signing amongst the bunch by AP Excellent result, shame about the Carlisle goal but COYR!
  7. That's the bit that made me laugh. You can just picture 'Arry saying " of course we'll give you every chance to win, it's not as if it's a big game or anything". NOT! Muppets...
  8. hahaha excellent riposte
  9. There's your 5th
  10. Phew - thank goodness Roll on Sunday
  11. Wenger talkig some sense for a change? http://www.arsenal.com/news/news-archive/-clubs-must-abide-by-team-selection-rules-
  12. But if Chainrai IS true to his word why is AA desperate to secure an advance on the parachute payment in order to keep the club running? Because AA knows Chainrai won't come through.
  13. Would be funny if it was but, alas, no. Still, they can't get rid of old Storrie teller, they'll have no Pete to p1ss on. I'll get me coat
  14. Talking about the blue few being like a Millwall outpost, did you see this? http://www.metro.co.uk/news/816686-stupid-football-fan-becomes-internet-laughing-stock-over-ticket-confusion
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