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Saint In Exile

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Everything posted by Saint In Exile

  1. Oh no... With Perry now signed up to protect cabbies rights who's going to lead the Rupert out protests at St Marys???
  2. You wouldn't like a wormery then!!! Great for the old veg waste though.. The little blighters eat it up sooooo quickly!!
  3. Why would you when yours is already owned by son of gunrunner??
  4. Sold as seen..... Buyer beware.... I'd have thought he'd have no claim against you.
  5. The worry for me is that if he's made captain will his thoughts be pre-occupied by the bigger picture thus either effecting his batting by not thinking enough about it or by making him try to adjust his normal style by thinking he needs to bat more responsibly?? Neither of which would mean he was batting at his best!!
  6. I'd presume it's got something to do with those who have paid the subscription??
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