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Saint In Exile

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Everything posted by Saint In Exile

  1. So, in order to work on any BBC news programme you're not allowed to have a personal opinion on politics then?
  2. It's true the BBC is currently rather bloated in certain areas but things are starting to change and the organisation is beginning to streamline it's operations and become far more efficient in particular with it's use of technology and the multimedia newsroom, where journalists are expected to be multi-skilled to produce content for all platforms to reduce duplication. Under the new licence fee agreement the BBC is now funding World Service operations including Arabic & Persian TV services rather than these being funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office with no increase to the licence fee. Also, the BBC, through it's commercial arm, does provide commercial channels in other countries, BBC America, BBC Canada, BBC Entertainment, BBC Lifestyle & BBC World News to name a few. It also sells a vast number of programmes to other overseas channels and as a wholey owned subsidiary, all profit is returned to the BBC. Then there's the BBC's 50% stake in UKTV which provides an outlet for BBC content on commercial channels for UK viewers with advertising revenues. And all of this for less than 40p per day... How much does Murdoch TV cost these days?? Oh and of course a lower licence fee for public service broadcasting than Sweden, Germany, Finland, Austria, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland!! And not a bad place to work!!
  3. It's true Ricky's not at his best at the moment and yet we're still winning games, if he can get back to his form of last season and really get scoring then I reckon a few teams above us will be really worrying!!
  4. iyho..
  5. Company car, free BUPA for myself, partner and kids and the usual discounts in various shops for showing my ID card!! Get about 4 overseas trips a year too, all at the customers (well, licence fee payers) expense!!
  6. Not bad for a colleague biting pitbull is it!!!
  7. It's happened to me too.... Been over a week now, sent 3 emails via the contact us link at the bottom of every page and not even had a bloody acknowledgement from the so-called admins. Not impressed at all!!!
  8. Flying out to Jo'burg Sunday night for the whole tournament.... Mind you, I'm there for work. Should get into a few games with who I work for though!!
  9. Neither example is fair. If 10% of the population choose to vote for the BNP, however abhorrent their views might be to the masses, those 10% have a democratic right to have their views represented just as the UKIP voters have a right to have their views represented. The current FPTP system is unfair to all marginal parties.
  10. Elections for MEPs are already done via a PR system called the Party List System which hasn't resulted in UKIP and Tories all the way though!!!
  11. He was a Tory before being elected Speaker. He now stands for election as an independent candidate. Also, none of the 3 main parties put up a candidate against Bercow.
  12. Speakers must be politically impartial. Therefore, on election the new Speaker must resign from their political party and remain separate from political issues even in retirement. However, the Speaker will deal with their constituents' problems like a normal MP
  13. He's announced that the Conservatives would offer a referrundum on AV. AV is NOT PR. http://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/votingsystems/systems2.htm#AV
  14. I take it you're suggesting it's not.... By that token neither is their economic prowess ruined by having PR!!
  15. Works in Germany, works in Japan, works in Sweden, works in Belgium, works in Switzerland, works in Ireland what makes you think it can't work here? India's current coalition consits of 13 different parties.
  16. And a second general election by the end of the year.
  17. Not even for the lighting and power sockets in the extension?
  18. On another note... We've just had our consumer unit and wiring to the garage replaced and an RCD unit fitted in the garage as part of an extension build. Should the builders/electricians have supplied us with a certificate for the work or does the completion certificate from Building Control cover it?
  19. Pretty much all of the media, BBC/Sky Sports/Talksport in particular, take the feeds from Press Association representatives at the games, so if PA get it wrong, everyone gets it wrong.
  20. Not sure if this is the same Amy Williams??? http://api.ning.com/files/m5yVo6drh1TJ4wwTRomqzzpL*vJ724-xLLvrUm*7-eLmHAUUKlHohnRpCcaouxGZmaO2po8babbSBT5GEFl9uDr90StO7LWG/DSC_00051.jpg
  21. Didn't know Kate McCann was even missing... When did that happen??
  22. Saint In Exile


    Perhaps that's what he's been told to do!!
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