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Everything posted by jimmysaint7

  1. Thank goodness we never got sam sodje as he is terrible
  2. That is dale stevens.you do have them the wrong way round
  3. jimmysaint7


    An improvement on cork i think.terrible passer but that what morgan is for along side him.puts his foot in more than cork.is always wanting the ball and for me he is what saints have missed for years. Very much a 12 mil player in todays market who will only get better
  4. Explains his thumb in mouth celebration!
  5. Think u mean tahar:-)
  6. In my opinion we/u dont know any of the above is factual.
  7. Who was the player you were told about?
  8. Astori now off to napoli
  9. This di marzio chap who works for sky in italy i believe tweeted in a conversation i was having with another guy and said that osvaldo has made no descision as of yet.
  10. Did monk not say it was happening??
  11. I am that man!! To be fair though that tweet was just after the guy said to me he would not join southampton
  12. He will come good im sure of it.hope we keep him
  13. If spurs lost both going into the wigan game arsenal would only be 2above spurs so they would still need something
  14. Id beg to differ, our record over say the last 10 years at reserve an academy levels will show we have always regulary beat the likes of arsenal,chelsea,spurs and other london clubs
  15. Has he said he wants to come back?
  16. What does this mean??
  17. He will come good, 12 mil is to much but then is Ronaldo really worth 80 mil. For any footballer of any ability it will always take time to adjust to a new country/league.give him rime
  18. Dont wanna split hairs but it's the kingsland!
  19. Coupled with the fact it was never a free kick in the first place
  20. We have the best rightback in the league already
  21. What a lot of tripe! Stelling is a nobody,I don't give a **** what he says and im sure nicola cares even less. As much as i love matty I agree 100% with what nicola says.this club has had far to many hangers on for years.I'm sure its not his intention but matty has fuelled the flames and should just keep quiet
  22. I had the crest done on my right calf on my 18th birthday and not one day have I regretted it.I have tattoos where people can see them too but don't care one bit what others think about them so don't let others put u off, got mine done on the isle of wight
  23. Tendinitis in his knee, fit for next game
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