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Everything posted by jimmysaint7

  1. Sorry but why are they morons? What have they done wrong?
  2. It is his best mate.i used to follow him.when it became coming knowledge that he was lallanas mate he got loads of followers hence why he probably protected his tweets.if i remember righly it was one of the players that said to follow him whennhe first joined.possibly even lallana himself.
  3. Did anyone really tweet then nexstar??
  4. He needs to understand when to keep his mouth shut.
  5. I understand he has dreams but if thats the case why sign a new contract?why spout off about staying for the rest of his career? Its not like we were going to get champions league so how suddenly can he view things diffently.he is going to the world cup off the back of a great season for saints not just off himself.14 years at saints but how many player of the year awards has he got? Exactly!dont make out he has stayed through loyalty,if someone wanted him that badly during our league 1 days they would have took him.as for my loyalty i turn up every week for the last 20 years payind thousands along the way.i owe lallana no loyalty
  6. Massive loyalty?? Hows that? He has been paid handsomly on a yearly basis and only recently signed a new contract on which he stated that if you offered him the chance to stay at saints in the prem for the rest of his career he would snap your arm off,now 6 months later he wants out? Your right how very loyal
  7. Les reed??
  8. He just strikes me as the sort to not demand more money.his latest interviews all talk about competing for prem title,that wont ever be us so only see one outcome
  9. He has a 4 year deal why does he need to sign another?
  10. Whats all this on twitter about shaw tonight? Deleted tweets by sky sports and himself?
  11. Im sorry but if anyone mentions wanyama in that list they are a cretin
  12. My reply was in response to the post above so deflate your chest numpty
  13. Why would u take a supporter of an away team into the saints end? Dont know why people do this
  14. I dont think liverpool sussed us out,the only thing between the 2 sides was clinical finishing and that is not credit to liverpool that is our own failing.lallana score rather than hitting post or we are rewarded with the penalty we should have been given and this forum is totally different reaction.all down to finishing
  15. Why do fans bet on saints to lose?
  16. jimmysaint7


    If he stayed at saints another year he would still be where he is now as he is unbelievable player.he would have got more games staying at saints so thats why i believe he left too soon.
  17. jimmysaint7


  18. jimmysaint7


    I think he did leave too soon,how long did it take him to get into the spurs team and at 1 point nearly sold.he has progressed like he has due to his spurs career not because of leaving saints when he did.
  19. I have this too! Out of interest what size is a 44?
  20. A meanigless game!! Why u talking like we are suddenly like the league dont matter? The league is the most important competiton at the start of every season and regardless of the stage of the season and no matter how many points we have it shold stay that way.
  21. So we rest players in a league game to potential win a 5th round cup tie? Why is everyone talking like we were in the final??
  22. Why are u talking like we will never be in the fa cup again? All this rubbish about not having a better chance to reach wembley,how can anyone possibly know that?? For what its worth finishing in the top ten for me means that we have won a fair few games through the season so that is the most important thing fo me
  23. Thought saints media guy said this was fake last week?
  24. Osvaldo aint unsettled!!
  25. In a way i hope that gaston does leave as he deserves to be somewhere where the fans dont constantly slag him off after every poor peformance.when he first joined he was playing well,scoring and creating but for some reason his form dipped although he was obviously not fit which couldnt of helped.since the summer he has failed to adapt to the pressing style of play but i think he will still play an important part for us.i also think his sheer prescence has helped players like lallana as it puts pressure on him to pefrom knowing that if not someone else is going to step in.
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