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Everything posted by sunrise

  1. Have Pinnacle put their 'contingency plan' into place to ensure the clubs staff have got paid?
  2. I didn't say it was a wind-up, it seems like a wind-up. Just put it down to my frustration that whilst our club is teetering closer to the point of no return, Pinnacle have been sounding like a broken record with their statements this week, whilst it seems no closer to sealing the deal.
  3. The reason is now clear why the so-called 'moneyman' wanted to stay anonymous. Whats the betting we get another statement today saying something along the lines of "a few minor things to sort out before we sign"? Game over for Pinnacle - why do I get the feeling that it seems like it's been a wind-up, albeit in a long-winded and spectacular fashion?
  4. At the moment, it would be nice for a club to support next season! The stalemate between FL and Pinnacle is very frustrating.
  5. Well whatever is happening, I won't be at the computer all day f5'ing as I've got other things to do and get the feeling that this is going to be a no-news days. As for Shearer - no thanks.
  6. I wonder why the 'minor hitches' Pinnacle are supposedly having are taking quite a while to sort out? I also wonder what those hitches are? I don't think that the -10 is the only issue. Unless the deal gets completed today or tomorrow then personally I don't seeing happening at all - as you can see I've almost lost the faith. As for Jackson, IF he did have money behind him and his was the successful bid, does that mean he'll be wanting a board position? I bloody well hope not! That buffoon totally showed himself up with the bournemouth farce and I don't him anywhere near my club!
  7. Hopefully it will all be sorted by the time I get back from Gran Canaria.... in the meantime, I´ll enjoy the weather and the beer.
  8. I can't give you any advice but wish you the best of luck in persuing this. A gamble would be seeing if there are any 'last minute flights' but hopefully you'll find a more reliable way of sorting a fairly cheap flight with plenty of time.
  9. A message is good but it is a bit premature to rejoice until the deal is signed, sealed and delivered. Lets hope the future is bright!
  10. I'm going to Gran Canaria in a couple of weeks time with my gf so I will be able to confirm or deny its gheyness on my return. As for Tenerife, are the Highland Paddy bars still there? Was there in 96 when we beat Manure 6-3 and the manure fans were very quiet. Can still remember it like yesterday, the evening however was a different story.... good times!
  11. At the moment, I'm waiting for my lunch to cook and I can confirm to you it will be ready in 25 minutes. As for an alledged takeover, then god knows what is happening. According to some, there are up to 3 parties interested in buying the football club. Nothing concrete as of the moment I type and I will remain cynical until I see confirmation in black and white from official sources.
  12. I'm fed-up of all the speculation about who/what/where/why etc. All i want is some definite news one way or the other.
  13. No, complete fresh start needed for League 1. Wotte and Gorre can sod off back to Holland and take half the money grabbing, spineless, gutless and clueless team with them.
  14. I don't care about any differences between Lowe, Wilde and Crouch, they let Rome burn whilst stabbing each other in the back so as they could have their turn at being the fat controller. I don't want any of them near the club again.
  15. If we are still here next season, then Brentford away will be a good game to go to.
  16. Shouldn't the thread title be 'post mortem'? Oh well, Brentford away will be a good match to go to next season, if we still exist by then.
  17. I was going to type something along very similar lines but you've saved me the effort.
  18. Saints vs Man U, it was a 2-2 draw and Danny Wallace scored both of our goals.
  19. Oh FFS, what a total and complete shower of manure.
  20. I'm sure I can remember that a Virgin company sponsored Crystal Palace back in the late 80's/early 90's.
  21. No, we're going to do a Bradford
  22. Encourage him but don't push him as that would be counter productive. One suggestion is to ask him to do a drawing or painting of something such as one of his favourite toys.
  23. If we do go in to admin, avoid the points deduction and stay up at another clubs expense, then surely there's the possibility that legal action would be taken by that club against us at loss of revenue? We shall see what happens but I get a sinking feeling that things are going to go from bad to worse.
  24. Good luck to those who play, even though I could afford it and not bothered in what position, I'm simply too unfit and crap to even play 45 minutes - I would end up embarrassing myself and others!
  25. I found Sid Waddells commentating rather irritating and in the end I muted the sound.
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