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Everything posted by sunrise
So Shilts had wood in more than one way then.....
The players can't be bothered to perform on the pitch so why should I bother turning up to watch them?
Banning press photographers was a stupid decision IMO and is something I'd expect to happen in a place such as North Korea or Zimbabwe, not somewhere like a football ground in this country!
FFS get a life! Hoddle is a tosser and crap manager - he's hardly been successful has he? As for the sacking, it has a very Lowe-esque ring and timing about it, whilst we can speculate about the reasons behind it, the timing of doing it isn't exactly good. I hope the wop has some-one else in mind or we can forget about promotion.
Just to think that tosser Cameron wants Turkey in the EU - what planet is he on?
The only way you'll see the likes of Blatter leaving FIFA is leaving it in a coffin.
Come on then, do share or do you only post rumours and/or info when it suits you?
They will get away with.... as they have done in the past.
Hugh Fearnley-eat-it-all but I can't forget the best of them all - The late, great Keith Floyd. I reckon we should have a cooking/recipes sub forum on here for the weird and wonderful concotions that some of must create.
Nowt wrong with snakes, I reckon it was probably a grass snake.
BP - I wouldn't touch with a bargepole at the moment. Firstly they have to cap the oil leak and secondly BP have to potentially face some sort of legal action in the US so things could get a lot worse than they are now. If they get the well sealed/sort out the oil leak and the legal repercussions are sorted with the company in reasonable shape then go for it, until then, unless it's money you could afford to lose then I'd leave alone.
TCWTB results in: Rotten Crack Smoka Avram grant: Old Fool Weasel Boy
I reckon the bees are more likely to be of the Bumble variety because honeybees are more likely to nest in a tree or bush. As for all UK spiders being harmless, that's right and wrong, right because the ones native to the country are harmless - save 1 or 2 who can give a nasty bite. However we do have one 'alien' species over here, the False Widow which is venomous and can hospitalize a person who reacts badly to the bite.
Portsmouth. Doncaster. ****s who leave their shopping trolley in the middle of the aisle. Travellers who think they can park up anywhere then leave the place a dump when they get evicted. Indian call centres. That car insurance advert with the tosser that looks like Pavarotti. The 'we buy any car' ad.
You can get PH testers to see if the soil is acidic or alkaline. You can get PH meters for about a tenner but if you're only going to use it once then it's a waste of money. You can also get a tube thing which you chuck some of the soil in and it tells you the ph that way. Fuschias(sp?) are a nice addition to any garden plus a couple of heather plants would be another possibility? Foxgloves are a good summer plant, though maybe not a good idea if there's young kids around who like to munch on things in the garden.
Hamburg Parsley has parsnip like roots and use the tops as parsley.
On my allotment, I have put in: Broad Beans, Potatoes, Onion, Garlic, Mustard, Asparagus Pea and some Asparagus crowns. The Asparagus crowns appear to be growing slowly, all the others growing nicely bar the Mustard, Asparagus Pea and one of my rows of Potatoes which have yet to appear. Still a few more things to put in, such as Hamburg Parsley, Courgette, Carrot, French and Runner Beans, Celeriac, Kohl Rabi, Swede and Sweetcorn. They'll all be in by mid-May.
IF it is true that's she after a sum up to £1.1 million and she does get it, then that would truly extract the urine. It would be a total insult to our boys who have served on the front line and have suffered severe injures as a result, which have be compensated peanuts in comparison. If there was any common sense then she wouldn't get a single penny, she knew exactly what she signed up for.
Was out in the car yesterday and the car in front had a skate sticker on the back window, quick as a flash my missus said "Pompey til I die.... better shoot them then". It's nice to see the wheels of the caravan falling off, albeit rather slowly.
Well the way things are going, how long before SA becomes another basket-case nation like Zimbabwe. Apparently, there have been over 3000 white farm dwellers murdered in South Africa since 1994. As for the Al Qaeda threat, that isn't a surprise, no doubt they'll try something and will be a test of their security.
I've ruled out Labour, I couldn't put up with another 4-5 years of them in charge - with a fatter version Mr Bean at the helm, you know the country is stuffed. Not overly convinced by the Tories either with 'Double glazing Dave' as leader(for some reason Cameron reminds me of one of those dodgy salesmen). The Tories are promising the earth but I expect them change their minds on what and how they do things and policies if they get into power. To cut to the chase, I'm pretty undecided at the moment but will definitely vote- as I always do.
16K - they really are the best supporters in the land..... not! I imagine that figure will go down to 12-13k when they're playing games in the fizzy pop league.
If you were 100% sure it was him, I'd tell the national press. That vile, evil pervert needs to hounded until the day he dies.
Don't you get the feeling more dodgy dealings are going the rear their head in the not too distant future?
They say cheats never prosper, well it appears they're bucking the trend for the moment. I think it's the lull before the storm, as and when they are confirmed as relegated, then I think things are going to get a hell of a lot worse for them.