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Everything posted by sunrise

  1. If others in the team don't want him there, get rid of the ****. He's acted like a bellend before, you can't guarantee he won't do it again. I know one of the bedwetters on here(alpine I think?) said something along the lines of he was our worst signing ever. I wouldn't go that far but he certainly hasn't been worth the money.
  2. Honestly, who cares? We have sod-all say in who runs the club anyway, that is unless you happen to have a few hundred million lying around. Cortese is gone and that's that, let's forget about him and move on.
  3. I did have a chuckle when people started chanting "Burley for Scotland!"
  4. It's not unexpected though, as it is the Daily Bile after all!
  5. There was something in the Echo a few weeks back that the final cost of the hotel may end nearer to 40million, which is an outrageous waste of money. Its money that couldve either have been better spent elsewhere or not spent at all.
  6. Next, they'll be stopping the use of the term 'cowboy builder' in case any cowboys get offended! Seriously though, if anyone did get offended by Chiles' quip, then they really need to get a life.
  7. 85 million and 300 grand a week, I'm sorry that is totally insane, I don't blame Bale for taking it, most if not all of us would do the same. However, football has has been so grotesquely corrupted by money that the only way things would change is if some of the big names went bankrupt.
  8. A little bit but there's nowt we can do about it and we'll only find out how deep the muck is when/if things go tits up.
  9. I think 'praise' is the wrong word personally, business sense is the crux of it. If it's possible to offload players which aren't good enough for the league the team is in, wouldn't it be best to do that? If they're not going to play a part, it's simply money that could better spent elsewhere.
  10. Well in the UK, there has been only 1 recorded snake-related human fatality in the UK in almost 40 years, a King Cobra biting it's owner. I wonder how many dog related human fatalities there have been in that period of time? Well there's been 3 so far this year.
  11. The Frikadellen they sell at Lidl are rather nice.
  12. Yes, there are over here at least, we have TPWS. It is fitted on the approach to platforms at termini, the approach to curves where the permanent speed restriction is quite a bit lower than the previous line speed, on the approach and at most signals should a train pass a signal at danger without authority. There's 2 'loops' in the '4 foot'(the space between the two running rails), an arming and a trigger loop, these are set to a certain speed, should the train pass over these two loops, over that speed, the brakes should automatically apply. There's a train stop sensor at most signals, so should a train pass a signal at danger, the brakes should automatically apply. I say most signals, as it is not fitted at all, why I don't know.
  13. Unbranded shirt - £17.99. add a badge and a sponsor to it and then make it 50 quid, SFC and adidas can shove their shirt up their arse!
  14. Look at the article and this bit taken from it: "It means that we still cannot tell readers who they are because of a pre-existing court order." I'm no legal expert but you would be on shaky ground if you did post where exactly they are.
  15. **** me you really are a bedwetter aren't you? Are you related to Victor Meldrew by any chance? All you do is moan moan moan - in fact, I think I have more chance of winning the lottery than you posting something positive. Just make sure you never get near any of these:
  16. Somewhere like Portsmouth perhaps?
  17. That doesn't make any sense, surely you would want Wigan to lose so the gap between us and them stay the same? As long as it's not the bottom 3, I don't care what position we finish in!
  18. Max Clifford charged with 11 indecent assaults - on BBC news webpage.
  19. Right now, I have an apathy toward international football and couldn't care if England do or do not make the World Cup. Certain players(i.e Rooney) will get picked regardless which isn't right. It's not just Lambert and Jay-Rod, there are others who get overlooked because Woy only really looks at the top 4/5.
  20. Bo11ocks to religion is what i say.
  21. Time we got De Ridder him(sorry i know it's poor!).
  22. sunrise

    Laugh or Cry

    A perfect advert for contraception, like quite a few others that appear on that 'show'.
  23. The fair play league is a load of rubbish anyway.
  24. I just wonder if it's starting to turn into a witch-hunt, after all the old bill royally fecked up on Savile, now they are nicking people just to show they are doing something.
  25. Every time I see one of his interviews, it reminds me of this:
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