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Everything posted by sunrise

  1. Didn't he call Bush a 'retarded cowboy'? It upset a few yanks that a brit said that about their president but the truth hurts and is also very funny.
  2. Saints 0 Ipswich 3
  3. A absolutely cracking post Hacienda but even if those in power(footballing wise) read it, it would be totally ignored. I wonder what the future holds for football? Assuming the bubble doesn't burst, perhaps in 5-10 years the Premier League will reduce the number of teams relegated from 3 to 2, eventually becoming a closed shop. Meanwhile a number of lower league clubs will go bust and disappear. I could be way off, however, we shall see...
  4. I wonder what Burleys' excuse will be? Did he lose his best 3 players?
  5. Not much I can add to what from what has already been posted in various threads. At times we were playing at too much of a high tempo when slowing it down a tad may have helped a bit. There were a few occasions when we were on the attack, that a player held on to the ball for too long and ran in to a brick wall instead of looking to pass to someone else.
  6. Blame the Chavs that infest Eastleigh.
  7. Hats off to Lowe? It's a bit early for that IMO. We have played 3 and lost 2 so it is too early to make any judgement either way. Whilst its good that we beat Derby, we still have 43 games to go. Whilst some have praised JP and co for the win against Derby, will their attitude change and get their razor blades out if we lose to Blackpool?
  8. Oops, instead of 'had', I mean 'has'.
  9. Alas, it is probably something we will never know. Out of interest, how long had Dave Jones been our financial director?
  10. Perhaps Rupes is hoping someone will be mug enough to buy BWP.
  11. Today/Tonight: chill with other half, maybe a few drinks Tommorow: Dunno yet but early bed Sunday: Wake up at silly o'clock for work- 1:30am start!
  12. George who? Time to move on methinks...
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