I was hoping that my first post would be along the lines of ‘about time I can sleep at night now’. But as in most things to do with Southampton, its going to take time. Yep Plymouth down here have had a sort of take over, but the Guy was already a share holder so it was pretty straight forward. Not many lose ends.
For us, the problem might be some sort of side issue, that or the creditors want more pence in the pound. However I think that Gordon has hit the nail on the head, past ‘lack of’ moneymen might have allsorts of paperwork about who owns the land that the club stands on, access rights and deeds of covenants, if the holding company goes into admin, who those rights go to. Probably the football club, so the FL thinks that the club benefits from the holding company going, here have your -10. Or have the past board have a covenant that some rights come back to them, therefore they have some say in how the football club moves on?
Just me getting fed up with it all and no doubt others have a better idea.