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About stmaxx

  • Birthday 09/01/1966

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  1. this was in reply to adriansfc post
  2. couldn't of put it better myself, how are these young managers going to get any experience if they get sacked after a few games , he doesn't become a bad manager overnight it takes time to get it right , look at david moyes everton always get off to a bad start but do they call for his head no cause they can see the bigger picture , there is no quick fix , certainly not by sackjng the manager
  3. it is electrified as used as a sidings for swt, what would need to be done is re-signal the entry and exit to the sidings
  4. what about snodgrass, would leave morgan to pull the strings in the middle
  5. stmaxx

    3 network

    been on it for about 9 years no real problems , just don't call customer sevices (they are getting better slightly)
  6. on the kit page it says launch date 21/7 (this should of been with the above)
  7. thanks for that
  8. http://ojp.nationalrail.co.uk/en/s/timetable/details?id=1&return=false&callingPage=/en/s/timetable/plan if youy look at this planner it doesn't give you diversions cause they don't call at any stations between woking and clapham and normally the stopper doesn't take 51 mins to get to clapham on the main line
  9. i can tell you there is engineering works for the next three weekends all trains going via staines ( i'm a signaller at feltham )and we have to deal with all the extra traffic ok
  10. there is engineering works on the sunday and no trains betrween basingstoke and wokingand then diverted via staines, richmond to pickup the service at clapham junction
  11. stmaxx


    we've got to all give the p*****Y players hell from start to finish ,the same way they did to us when we played them last at nottarf krap ,i want to see the fear in thier eyes as they line up in the tunnel listening to 28,000 saints singing from every part of the ground , this won't be like anything they've encountered before, and i for one don't want to see any pimpey player look comfortable on the pitch no matter what, every corner , throw in whenever they come close to the stand let them have it all guns blazing . i want to come away with the feeling we've done everything we could (win ,lose or draw) to make them realise that we are the best team in hampshire bar none COYR
  12. yes there is engineering works on this day, trains will be diverted via staines ,twickenham to rejoin at clapham junction and will add another 30+ mins to the journey time its on journey planner , http://ojp.nationalrail.co.uk/en/s/timetable/times
  13. was told it was open from 10am by the doorman
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