He's Was An Everton Fan, But That Was During Secondary School...... Remember Him Wearing Replica Shirts On Mufty Days..... But Who Cares, He Loves Playing For Saints...... That's From The Horses Mouth
A1: The ten point deduction
A2: New manager, plus they actually played well.....
A3: Confidence factor after last few seasons..was always going to take time.
Yeh you are spot on m8.His dad is half spanish! Adz was in the same year as me at St.Peters Bournemouth...Good m8 too. Knew he was gona be a talent, u shuda seen him in the school football team.... was unreal..single-handily won us games haha
Wish him luck 4 Wales games...hope he plays a part...deserves the call up in my opinion!
You're an idiot..... Your Comment is up there with the worst i've ever read on this Forum!!!>......Drop Lallana, he is a different league to the rest of players at the moments. Absolutely quality!!!
You're an idiot..... Your Comment is up there with the worst i've ever read on this Forum!!!>......Drop Lallana, he is a different league to the rest of players at the moments. Absolutely quality!!!