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Strangely Brown

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  1. If you ever attended any of the shareholder meetings when he was chairman, accusing Farage as having messianic qualities seems somewhat ironic!
  2. Yep by all accounts he walked past a computer and caught a virus
  3. I live in expectation, we must be neighbours 😊
  4. Great either way, so can you tell the club that their 10 year plan is not convincing the fans at all and that if they persist with the Ankersen vanity project that includes Russell Martin, that an empty stadium will look extremely embarrassing on TV. if you are Lucy Pinder, can you just tell Russell that he stays in the spare bedroom until he comes to his senses or leaves Southampton Football Club Thank you
  5. Try www.brendonrogers/turkeyteeth.com
  6. Brighton in for O’Riley 🫣
  7. So even Gods against us then FFS!
  8. Not necessarily……….clearly you are not married 🤨
  9. Do do dooo
  10. It’s her knowing the difference would be more concerning 😉
  11. it’s Everton Chez!!
  12. Taylor Harwood-Bellis
  13. Vastly underrated player and one of my favourites. Rest in peace Spike.
  14. Don’t worry I am sure the marketing team can rescue something out of it, expect an end of season dvd release “Saints 100 greatest throw ins” 😂
  15. So predictable it’s depressing
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