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Northant Saint

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Everything posted by Northant Saint

  1. I feel I must post something if this really is to be our last game as the club we know it as. COYR's, lets show the championship what a great club they are going to miss. Southampton Till I Die.
  2. Wow, when I logged on I actually thought something real was happening...
  3. As usual, a 'please turn out the lights thread' appears...
  4. I like...
  5. I'm sick of hearing all this pro-lower/ lowe luvvie bo**ox. Hes gone. Its over. Look to the future. Besides, I doubt you're really arguing against many people on this forum now, as most people admit he did a rubbish job.
  6. Impatience and frayed nerves is the least of your issues mate.
  7. Indeed, but we are never going to be cheaper. (I prey) [-o
  8. and this thread really is like death warmed up. Surely if we get new investors into the club, they will invest some cash into the club and maybe we can get some privy experienced players on board that can help us bounce straight back? But then again perhaps we should just 'round the club up' as Alpine wishes.
  9. This is actually the worst comment I have ever read on this forum.
  10. ...Or how about we stop assuming that we will be in league 1 next season, and actually have a go at getting out of it?
  11. ...and finally he admits what the club means to him. art or saints alps...
  12. His objection is Southampton Football Club...
  13. I will openly apologise to you if both of these conditions are met. 1. We receive no points deduction, this season or the next. 2. We are bought before the club goes bust.
  14. Look to the f**king future now not the past. The fans had a job to do and some could have done it better.
  15. No its not, teams have got out of worse postions. Please please please don't give up yet. Everyone still needs to be behind the team.
  16. Bit on sky sports news coming up soon.
  17. You really are f******* unbelievable. Don't you understand- WE STILL HAVE A CHANCE. And you wonder why you get abusive replies??? It would be the most shameful thing in the clubs history to go voluntarily into administration whilst we could potentially get out of the situation we are in. You and probably none off us on this forum possess enough information regarding the finances off the club to criticise whether or not we should raise the white flag.
  18. But your opinions always suck.
  19. Hey man give the guy a break. Its international weekend and everything at the club is pretty quiet. Alps has to redouble his efforts to find something negative.
  20. You just want everybody to feel like that.
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