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Everything posted by Rattlehead

  1. Aribona?
  2. F*cking dog IMO. Dannii would be well ahead in my already huge queue. I still would though, don't get me wrong. Just over-rated. Dunno about the 'music'.
  3. What has this got to do with Saints? Hmm, Aribona on a power trip perhaps? Certainly not my view but just a random thought.
  4. Spot on St Landrew, after all it is all about sound and for pure playing and quick results you can't beat acoustic (if you can play it, of course).
  5. Postman Plod = one of the best Viz characters ever.
  6. Link doesn't work.
  7. Religion is for losers.
  8. Good man. Superb stuff.
  9. Nutters.
  10. You post codswallop all the time as well.
  11. You post like a bird.
  12. That would be telling now. You and Ponty will get it immediately, I am sure. Aribona won't though.
  13. Indeed. Either I exude thrash metal or Christina doesn't know what she's talking about.
  14. Sometimes it's all just too hurtful.
  15. Of course, you can also just pick up an electric and just strum along fine on that without an amp. Ok not as nice sounding as an acoustic but I can hear it and everything.
  16. Thank f*ck for that, I was worried sick for a while.
  17. He looked like Tom Hanks in Philadelphia. I think it was AIDS.
  18. I think we should be allowed to insult each other. I couldn't give a flying f*ck if I'm insulted and I suggest other posters adopt this approach too. You'll certainly never catch me 'reporting' a post insulting me (and there have been plenty of those). In many ways, I am a model poster. T'internet is taken too seriously by some.
  19. I hope this woman in Ecuador is ok. Do we have any news on her latest condition?
  20. It is Son Of Bob. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=263299&highlight=vectra#post263299
  21. Calm down St Willy, you'll have a stroke.
  22. They're called 'bass guitars' sambosa.
  23. Ok you might not be a nazi Tony, but are you a little bit racist?
  24. Out of interest, would you consider mixed race to include those born of Hampshire and Wiltshire people?
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