1,058 -
Everything posted by Rattlehead
I don't see what the fuss is about. So fuel costs have gone up £20 a month, or whatever it is? Whoop de doo.
Rangers. I cannae stand the Catholic IRA supporting paddy wannabe c*nts.
Prokofiev - Dance Of The Nights. What do I win?
Some more background info: http://www.metallica.com/index.asp?item=601128 Only £5 as it is 'a celebration'. F*ck knows what this really means, but I'm in.
Might be a bit late but a mate and I have just got tickets to this on Monday 15 September. Couldn't get seats together and probably not the best ones still left but there still seemed to be more tickets available. For anyone interested, this is how you might get tickets: You need to register at http://www.missionmetallica.com (the free membership option) and it gives you a pass number and a link through the back door onto ticketmaster.com Paying members could get tickets for the past couple of days but the rest that hadn’t sold went to the free membership people today. £5 ticket through Ticketmaster plus £2 postage and booking fee. Excellento.
Platoon is best with FMJ second. Apocalypse Now is a distant third and I think The Deer Hunter is miles off the pace and plain dull dull dull. I don't think it technically counts as a 'Vietnam film' but The Big Lebowski (with its Vietnam bits) is ace. Others: Hamburger Hill - rubbish Good Morning Vietnam - rubbish
I don't know how anyone can say they're over-rated. They changed metal and brought it to the masses. Whether you like them or not, they have influenced so many metal bands since the mid 80s. Furthermore, they did this at a time when metal was not cool and Culture Club, Bronski Beat and other such 80s crap were top of the pops. I can only assume that people who cannot recall this probably didn't live through the 80s. I, for one, will be forever thankful to Metallica for getting me into metal and I will always go and see their fantastic live shows every time I can. Stuff since the Black Album has indeed been patchy but to say they are over-rated? I think not. They fully deserve their legendary status. Re the new album, the few snippets I've heard sound pretty good and rifftastic to me although I haven't yet heard anything with vocals.
He'll be might p*ssed off when he sees this. You sure showed him.
Well if your opinion is you view yourself as a racist, then you're a racist.
If she does, then yes, but I don't believe it. You (and, for that matter, I) may prefer your view of the world but, the fact is, we live in a cynical world and it wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing happened. To me, she seems the type that would do this. I simply don't believe it would be announced in this way if it were true. I'll get back to you on whether there is anything I don't have a cynical opinion about, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
I think you are being naive Landrew. This is a publicity stunt and she is in on it.
I was in Dubai last week, for a couple of hours, but I didn't see it. True story.
He said shut up, you hunchbacked ***** monkey.
Who gives a f*ck? Birthdays are for birds and gayers.
Clive Woodward 3/1 Rupert Lowe evens
I have seen them live. They were sh*t.
Look out for her inevitable "How I Beat Cancer" exclusive serialisation in the News Of The World.
A red faced witch
She posts on here as bridge_too_far.
Furthermore, they should be banned from this board.
No place for birds. Utterly clueless about football, ruin the atmosphere with constantly inane chit chat, drag fellas off home immediately after the game and our female fans are generally obese dogs, so no redemption there unfortunately.
This sounds too good to be true.
We are joint bottom you spazzmonkey.
The commentators are doing my head in with their constant pant-creaming over Deco.
Bore off Jillstain.