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Everything posted by Rattlehead

  1. I don't even know what I'm having for dinner tonight, let alone in two f*cking weeks. And even if I did, who gives a sh*t? Oooh I'm having turkey, well that's f*cking interesting isn't it? Sh*t thread with some of the same old dullards on it - Jillstain, CabbageC*ck, Knobsk, saint_tw*to. Only a matter of time before bridge_too_far adds her leftie drivel. Losers.
  2. In no particular order: Metallica - Death Magnetic Gojira - The Way Of All Flesh Testament - The Formation Of Damnation Bonded By Blood - Feed The Beast Death Angel - Killing Season
  3. Is BWP ever going to be any good? lol, I wouldn't have f*cking thought so.
  4. Surely this yawnfest can go over to PM?
  5. Hello Crouchie.
  6. They do indeed. Youtube it is then, I guess.
  7. Yep, having also seen some of these songs live on Monday and listened to the album a lot more, I now think this album is pretty excellento actually. That Was Just Your Life and All Nightmare Long are my current favourites (especially the former). Unforgiven III and The Judas Kiss also highlights but actually I don't think there is a bad track on this album. O2 gig was fantastic - one of the best in ages and some of the more obscure classics as well as new ones. No Sandman etc... but this to me was a superb performance for a band looking fresh, enjoying their music and hungry for more. Head still hurts and only got voice back today. Best fiver spent, ever. These guys are well and truly back and I will be seeing them again next year, even if it is Earl's Court (7 April) as rumoured. PS Ewell, what is the Culture Show Special and do you have a link? Couldn't find anything on BBC just now
  8. League One here we come
  9. He should be killed for that. Inexcusable.
  10. Roger Vaughan - what a useless c*nt.
  11. Fantastic goal.
  12. What utter turd.
  13. Lowe, please f*ck off. Ta.
  14. Yes indeed, this is how I know.
  15. KD has done well, but you know he has at least one clanger a game in him.
  16. We are SO sh*t.
  17. Is Dyer being booed just because he is a thieving midget?
  18. What a shocking tackle that was.
  19. At least we will win more games in League One.
  20. We are so sh*t.
  21. Not really, we are still losing and looking unlikely to score. You are aware of that fact I assume?
  22. Total Football
  23. Unf*ckingbelievable
  24. Everywhere north of the Thames is a sh*thole. Coventry may well be the capital of sh*tholeland.
  25. GN'R - Appetite For Destruction Metallica - Master Of Puppets Megadeth - Rust In Peace Slayer - Reign In Blood Anthrax - Among The Living Alter Bridge - Blackbird Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine AC/DC - Back In Black The list goes on...
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