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Everything posted by Rattlehead

  1. I saw him do a "motivational speech" last year and he came across as a massive bellend. He also looks like a balding monkey. Basically, I think he's a complete tw*t.
  2. Having seen a few set lists, they are definitely mixing it up which is fantastic. Having said that I do wish they would drop Sandman, play less covers (I think they're playing at least a couple each night - they don't need to do this but they clearly enjoy it, so can't complain), maybe at least one less from the new album and plenty more stuff from Justice but this really is nit-picking though. Awesome awesome live band and cannot wait until Saturday. In case you don't already know (I think I saw somewhere you're going), there is no tube to the O2 on Saturday (well done London Underground, you c*cks). Check the website for alternatives.
  3. Bangkok Airport is a f*ck sight better than Heathrow, including T5. Why are you worried anyway? Have you ever even been outside the UK before? I've been to the new airport in Bangkok about 5 times and never had a problem, but maybe it depends on what you look like. If you post a pic of yourself I will quite happily tell you if I think you're in trouble.
  4. Jeez you're much older than I thought.
  5. Sadly this doesn't surprise me and is typical of some of our many thicko retarded fans.
  6. This is about the principle of actually requesting and taking money from someone else, spending and enjoying it and choosing to simply not pay it back. This is tantamount to theft and is wrong wrong wrong. Surely that is not so hard to understand?
  7. God doesn't exist.
  8. Completely different again, you really do seem to have issues working out what is wrong and what is right. Also, I assume you meant "flaws" rather than "floors" above but maybe not.
  9. Homo.
  10. Just had a look at your website and immediately noticed how apt your surname was. "Ben Rogers..." Frankly, the website reads like a Nigerian scam - pay us at least £50 please (for now) etc... Morally bankrupt is exactly the right phrase.
  11. You are in my opinion and I think most honest people would consider you to be a dirty cheat and a horrible scumbag on the basis of the evidence provided by this thread. You are unquestionably trying to cheat people out of getting their money back. Disgusting. My god I think you must be some kind of retard. This is not something that strikes you down by complete chance, like cancer. What a ridiculous analogy. And what are you on about with the payment protection (non) argument? Completely irrelevant to the moral issues being discussed. If this is true, and I seriously doubt it is given the lowlife cacker circles you are likely to mix with, presumably the millionaires wouldn't need to take this option unless they, like you, were lowest of the low. Finally, it makes me laugh that you said "There was a thread on here some time ago...". Yes there was and it was posted by you you immoral advertising whore. Can't find it? What a load of b*llocks. When will this thread be locked/deleted?
  12. Oooh oooh I like a quiz. I guess you don't post anything worth reading on them?
  13. Tragic and all that stuff but she was boned and impregnated by a ginger whilst married. She also had a big nose. Make of all that what you will.
  14. They are all dogs.
  15. What a f*cking ridiculous question, this cannot be serious, surely? We probably won't even fare that well in League One next season, let alone the CCC. p.s. I do assume you mean 'fare' rather than 'fair' (as stated) as if the latter it may well be the other way round of course (bigger fairground, less likely for the staff/punters to be robbed etc...)
  16. You are presumably on commission for this yes? So you would be nothing more than a dirty cheating pikey scumbag and lower than a snake's belly IMO. Two wrongs don't make a right so the bank misbehaviour argument is a non-argument. People borrow money from others who lent it in good faith, and they spent and enjoyed it - it is up to them to pay back. No question. On the "people will want it" argument, some people (like your client in fact) want child p*rn, this doesn't make it right. Complete b*llocks again I'm afraid Crouchie's Nonce. Frankly this thread smacks of encouraging already p*ss taking gyppos to take the p*ss some more and is probably some sort of commercial/advertising thread that ought to be banned from here anyway. Have I ever been "swamped in debts and struggling"? No I haven't because I have never borrowed or spent more than I can afford. I have also never been a pikey, but that's probably the same point. In conclusion, you are talking utter sh*te and should be put down. Infraction issued.
  17. They're big eared f*ckers aren't they?
  18. Why don't you just put them on the thread Jillstain? Are they shy or worried they'll be recognised in the street or something? PM me if you don't know how to do it.
  19. Do you know who the support is Jillstain? Is it Gary Glitter?
  20. Let me guess, does it spend all day cr*pping in the neighbours gardens, moulting all over the place, scratching people and taking a slash in your plant pots before coming back to you when it wants some food? It's ok Jillstain, I know the answer. Well worth paying anything for one of those, I have to say. On the other hand, it may be worth paying for if cat steaks are exceptionally good medium rare and/or it can be skinned and turned into an expensive hat or handbag for the missus or something. If this is the case then you're right, I had no idea about these cats, and in fact I would now be interested in buying one. Please can you post some pics and cooking instructions. Ta.
  21. He was found guilty on here, which is 100% proof of guilt.
  22. Thanks Spamley, don't know what I'd have done without it.
  23. No, we will be down by then.
  24. I am keeping an independent record of those that I have issued. You are on shaky ground right now Jillstain.
  25. Season ticket holders can purchase extra tickets for a fiver? Is that so one can move around the ground between seats during the match for a different view? Well worth an extra fiver and I commend those that needlessly give more money to the club in these difficult times. However, I can only hope that the cackers that are taking advantage of their season ticket holding mates and paying only a fiver instead of £24 can live with their conscience when we go into administration and League One. It will clearly all be their fault.
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