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Everything posted by Rattlehead

  1. Enjoyed that Steve, thanks. Props for Gojira. I see the usual suspects like Depot have chosen to try to sabotage this one as well. Tw*ts. If he can't be banned from everywhere but the Muppet Show, I hope the fleas of a thousand camels infest his crotch.
  2. F*cking right on Pancake \,,/
  3. And he ain't gonna like mine much either.
  4. Let's hope so anyway.
  5. Kindly do one Depot, you tedious tw*t.
  6. I agree Pancake, tw*ts like Deppo and Atticus should be banned from everywhere but the Muppet Show really. How they haven't been banned already amazes me, but maybe they have something on Baj.
  7. Excellent stuff Bert, that'll be Albatross off my mix then. 10/10
  8. Yeah pretty good man.
  9. Not heard of them....
  10. Yeah they supported Metallica a couple of years ago. The UK bill was Metallica / Machine Head / The Sword but they also toured with Metallica and Lamb of God around Europe. I think Lars said they were his favourite band a few years ago.
  11. U2 are turd and Bonio is an even bigger turd.
  12. Can't see your playlist from work, but yeah I can imagine the same. Looking forward to checking it out anyway Bert, pretty sure I will love it, although may not be until w/e. I think mine will be a few weeks away, possibly. Interesting mention of The Joiners from Steve: I see The Sword have just announced a gig there, which I will be attending largely as my mate is kind of obsessed with them (much like I am with Down I guess) and we will be seeing them in Paris, London and So'ton in the space of a week). Decent band and I'd recommend checking them out.
  13. Ok, add me in please. Thanks.
  14. Why not just have a free-for-all and post playlists on new threads on an ad-hoc basis anyway? It's not like this is a really active forum and I'm absolutely certain the likes of Bert won't disappoint - why wait several weeks for it to appear eh? F * ck it, why not let those that want to post one a day? We need decent music NOW \,,/
  15. The two posters this site could definitely do without are Deppo and bridge too far. I think I'd add Thorpe-le-Tw*t to that list as well. Utter morons.
  16. I see Depot is still a massively unfunny tw * t and surely worthy of a nomination here.
  17. I have GH:Metallica with all the drum stuff as well as the guitars. Fun though it is, in all honesty, I prefer to play the real instruments along to the CDs. Can't complete One on either mind.
  18. F*cking great stuff right there. Nice one Bert.
  19. Looks like it is ITV that needs the £££s.
  20. I'd quite like to get Man Yoo out of the way.
  21. And another one.
  22. I've had loads, most recently including 1 point for posting the P*rtsmouth Hurricane appeal, 2 points for asking whether Stephen Gately had died of AIDS, 2 points for calling adriansfc a tw*t (even though he was being a tw*t) and, unbelievably, 2 points for helpfully listing some of bridge too far's faults so she could improve herself. Aribona has taken over from DSM as being the mod who likes to infract me the most.
  23. The guitar here is a bit gay (i.e. it looks like a Fender Strat), but I think it's a good deal for a starter electric package: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000SSGHUG/ref=s9_sima_gw_s0_p23_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_r=1DQ39TPCBAYHZ8AG475F&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=467198433&pf_rd_i=468294
  24. I suspect this is your first iPod touch? If so, I suggest you will always want more than you think - go for 32gb. My 32gb is full, as is my 16gb iPhone. I have been through loads of iPods and I always need more than I think spacewise, especially if you watch films etc on them.
  25. I can't view the video for some reason but I think less dogs is the world is a good thing.
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