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Everything posted by Rattlehead

  1. Thanks Claus but I don't think Dave Armstrong is Le God.
  2. What a bunch of chavs.
  3. We will walk League Two in the season after next.
  4. I also always thought thesaint_sfc was a rent boy.
  5. Fine for me thanks but please could I maybe slip a few slots down the schedule? I'll be away most of May and I would then appreciate a bit of time to nail it down. I would be very grateful, ta.
  6. Why not ditch the alarm then, as you obviously don't need it? Problem solved.
  7. Better not say as I wouldn't want to upset Natalie or Jillstain.
  8. High praise indeed.
  9. Rattlehead

    Susan Boyle

    Each to their own and all that but, in my opinion, Miss Doyle (I presume she must be a 'Miss') is a fat talentless munter and musicals are exclusively for birds, old duffers and gayers. Just my opinion.
  10. Didn't realise I'd let that one slip on here. How indiscreet of me.
  11. I didn't realise you could be banged up for being a fat gobsh*te. Nevertheless, I applaud this new law. I bet the prison b*mmers had a field day with him. I wonder if will change his name to BadBumSaint.
  12. My alarm normally wakes me up immediately, which I thought was the general idea.
  13. Hmm, a few questions spring to mind: 1) How old is he? 2) Has he only got one mate? 3) Why don't you wait and see if his solitary mate can do it?
  14. It presumably got them drunk.
  15. "Do you think she is fit?"
  16. A Rusty Sheriff's Badge?
  17. Yep me too if anyone wants metal.
  18. AC/DC superb at the O2. Thought The Answer were a bit cr*p though. AC/DC truly excellent though and played most of the old classics (and a couple too many new tunes, which were only ok). Definitely prefer the 'in the round' set up (a la Metallica @ O2) to the conventional one for the AC/DC gig though.
  19. It is true that only pikeys attend, including as sellers. Pikeys, gyppos and cackers only are involved in car boot sales. Would be interested to find out how many pound coins SRS has raised though.
  20. Rattlehead

    Susan Boyle

    'Nice' voice singing w*nk songs and looking like a complete hound v cr*p but very fit birds? Never mind that the voice is over rated, the latter wins every time and will do on this occasion as well. What a dog. No thanks.
  21. 'Thankyou' is not a word and this is a common mistake I see on the forum. Why do people think it is a proper word? Unless it is some cool text type speak I've missed out on, whereby one saves valuable time by not pressing the space bar it is, in my view, a load of f*ckingb*llocks.
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