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Everything posted by Rattlehead

  1. Still rising? As opposed to falling? No way.
  2. The Lives Of Others - pretty good I would say. Has anyone see Che and, if so, does it show him as the murderous commie b*stard that he was?
  3. Testament - Practice What You Preach
  4. This seems an opportune moment to post this board game classic from Viz, "Waiting In For A F*cking Parcel": http://www.gradius.splen.co.uk/junk/parcel.jpg
  5. Cheers buddy, glad you enjoyed it. Not everyone's cup of tea, I guess. Disappointing there aren't more metal fans on here but no worries.
  6. Alter Bridge - In Loving Memory
  7. In fairness you must have been married for a while now.
  8. He looks like a right little sh*t.
  9. Sod the creditors, we're minted! More fool them for extending credit to a company that was known to be struggling for cash. Where did the £1.5m fee estimate come from anyway? I thought the consensus was it was £500k.
  10. 1 minute to do up shoelaces? Someone is a bit sloooooow. No wonder Stu wears slippers everywhere.
  11. Within 5 years he said.
  12. Serj Tankian. Good stuff and much better IMO than Scars On Broadway, the other SOAD side project.
  13. More useful to society than a gobby racist salesman who, in fairness, is usually entertaining on here, although obviously that doesn't generate much tax.
  14. Sorry but only superstars need apply. We're arguably too big for someone like Kaka now.
  15. Stu is just jealous that he didn't spend 3 years on the p*ss and still earns less than most graduates with proper degrees from proper universities (many of whom didn't cost the taxpayer much and have repaid any cost/opportunity cost many times over). Oh well.
  16. Out of interest, what degree are you doing and where?
  17. He is a miserable c*nt. I am glad he lost. Roddick was a far more worthy and humble finalist.
  18. Getting a hard time by all accounts.
  19. Someone told me he was in prison.
  20. £1,233 is a fair bit of damage. Maybe you should put some cash aside for an anger management course. Just a thought.
  21. Too much bible bashing, gospel sh*t, false sentiment and crocodile tears on the bits I saw. "He's surely up there now" etc... what a load of complete b*llocks. It's almost like a panto - "he's in front of you".
  22. Agreed. Deep and massively underrated and I'm welling up even thinking about it. Good song.
  23. You certainly don't speak for me you dishonourable scumbag. I would honour my agreed commitments because I'm a man of my word and not a filthy pikey.
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