This seems an opportune moment to post this board game classic from Viz, "Waiting In For A F*cking Parcel":
Sod the creditors, we're minted! More fool them for extending credit to a company that was known to be struggling for cash.
Where did the £1.5m fee estimate come from anyway? I thought the consensus was it was £500k.
More useful to society than a gobby racist salesman who, in fairness, is usually entertaining on here, although obviously that doesn't generate much tax.
Stu is just jealous that he didn't spend 3 years on the p*ss and still earns less than most graduates with proper degrees from proper universities (many of whom didn't cost the taxpayer much and have repaid any cost/opportunity cost many times over). Oh well.
Too much bible bashing, gospel sh*t, false sentiment and crocodile tears on the bits I saw.
"He's surely up there now" etc... what a load of complete b*llocks. It's almost like a panto - "he's in front of you".