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Everything posted by Rattlehead

  1. iPhone app that gets rid of spots. Will be useful for thesaint sfc in a few years.
  2. Bit mainstream for me. Too many people like them now.
  3. I have to say the word that sprung to my mind was 'sh*t'.
  4. Who has won the BBC Sports Personality Of The Year title so consistently anyway? Sue Barker? Fatima Whitbread?
  5. Seriously, that is utter b*llocks. I am the most frustrated golfer on the planet. At least he can hit the f*cking thing every time.
  6. It's loose talk like this that will make the Krauts think they can take over the world again. Third time lucky and all that.
  7. Yes of course you can Robsk. Bye.
  8. Tiger Woods is over rated. Always has been, always will be.
  9. Couldn't agree more. None of them are a patch on Mishal Husain from BBC News (Sunday's only I think).
  10. £300 you say?
  11. Kayaking isn't a sport - that's just for fun.
  12. I like a lot of (earlier) Aerosmith, but that is a proper vomit inducing song. Yuk.
  13. Possible candidate, I guess, on SSN now - Rebecca Adlington but jeez what a f*cking conk. Certainly a hound of the highest order. Never mind.
  14. That is one funny website.
  15. You should definitely go via Slovenia - beautiful country. Either via Bled or Soca Valley and the Julian Alps. Seriously. Croatia coast side is also very beautiful, but I'm not sure about the inland stuff. On the Mongolia Rally I'm interested in one of the war places on the border with Serbia, but I understand it isn't scenic in a traditional sense. Interesting nonetheless.
  16. And get a personality. The miserable Jock tw*t. Has anyone mentioned Bradley Wright Phillips yet?
  17. Useless Saarf African caaant.
  18. Falling Down is an excellent film. The missus watched The Deer Hunter tonight whilst I was at a Testament gig - that film is hugely over-rated and actually, I would say, sh*t.
  19. As stated, bees. Moron.
  20. We have £2.5 billion to spend. We will walk the Champions League in a few years time. And it will be f*cking easy.
  21. And I thought you were too thick to understand sarcasm. Well done.
  22. You see Calvin, you are an excellent example of why this country is f*cked. Give me a Polish worker any day over the millions of lazy Brits who feel they're owed a living. On a related note @saint clark, being called a mentalist or a dullard by Calvin has got to hurt.
  23. For f*ck's sake, we're all f*cking grown ups (well maybe not saint clark). Whatever happened to "getting the job done"? Bloody clock watching lefties.
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