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Everything posted by Winnersaint

  1. Trying to put names to faces in picture. Reckon it was taken around 1968. Back row Jimmy Gabriel, Don't know,Dave Docker Walker,Gerry Gurr, Eric Martin, Not sure, Joe Kirkup, Mick Judd? Middle row George Horsfall, Frank Saul, Can't remember, Mick Channon, John McGrath, Hughie Fisher, Jimmy Melia, Tony Byrne? John Mortimer, Jimmy Gallagher Front row First two on left I can't recall, Ron Davies, Ted Bates, Terry Paine, Fred Kemp, John Sydenham
  2. Went to Villa game at Dell, missed replay. Saw Blackpool game with amazing Paul Bennett goal. Went with mates in back of a pick up to WBA, but broke down at Bromsgrove so missed game, saw replay. Went to Bradford, saw the flying Party Seven. Missed Palace due to 6th Form Geog Field Trip in North Wales with BWS Salisbury. A fruitless Sunday spent trying to find somewhere in sheep ****gingville where we could view highlights. Went to Wembley courtesy of cup-tie voucher from league game in November possibly Oldham?
  3. Saw my first game in October 1963, just before my 6th birthday. Dirty Leeds (the Revie team in its infancy). Lost 4-1. I was never aware of any other team to support. Somewhere my parents have a tattered school book from my first school telling of a trip to The Dell complete with a 6 year old's dodgy drawing of a figure in a red and white striped shirt and a building with what I must have thought were floodlights on it. By rights I should have no real Saints connections as my Dad was born in North London and my mum is from Sussex and I've never lived in Southampton (North Baddesley, Fordingbridge, Romsey, Winchester when I was younger though). Through family connections in Southampton my dad started supporting them in the war years and has notched up nearly 70 years as a Saints supporter so it was inevitable when I first wanted to go and watch football it would be The Dell I was taken.
  4. PI KEY seen quite often around Wokingham area, also S80NGY parked in Winnersh.
  5. Evidently not as short as MW2. On last level after 15 hours. been playing on and off since release day. Just had a go with Co-op objective online. Awesome!
  6. The ride around the Lookout and Caesars Camp is a good one. Marked heath and forest trails. Not that unlike the Forest in terrain though, so I'd stick with that. If you wanted to think about pootling up the M3 and making a family day out however there is 'Go Ape' the Discovery Lookout Centre and 'Coral Reef' leisure pool all virtually on the doorstep
  7. Always have to do a double take when I see a Pompey shirt. for some reason or other I seem to see the logo G O B S H I T E rather than the actual one they have on there. Is there something wrong with me?
  8. Thanks for that. Now ****ing down in Winnersh.
  9. Why is it ****ing down at Madejski and not in Winnersh?
  10. I holeheartedly endorse this. Everyone in football knew Ron was the best header of a football in the world, possibly the best there's ever been, but I remember that 6-2 Villa game with big Ron scoring crackers with his feet. Ron you are are such a hero to many of us fiftysomethings who watched you in our youths. Please accept my sincerest condolences.
  11. Learnt to swim at Central Baths. Travelling on 63 (I think) H&D bus from North Baddesley to go swimming in school holidays. The bus station. The LIDO! - cold water and rough concrete, and those slides. My first Chinese meal at Celestial Garden Restaurant which if my memory served me right was near Edwin Jones. Cycling to the Sports Centre. Cricket at the County Ground watching Greenidge, Richards, Roberts et al.
  12. For my sins I've lived in the Reading area for nearly 30 Years. Evening Post is the local paper here. Is now published twice weekly I believe. Always a daily evening paper until recently. I suspect you are right with regards to the future of the Echo.
  13. Another bit of my childhood goes west. Remember as a kid living in North Baddesley getting fish and chips on a Saturday night and picking up the Football Echo from a newsagents nearby, and waiting for my dad to finish reading it, before I could get my hands on it. Always has been the 'Footie Echo' in our family even when it morphed into the Sports Echo. Somewhere in my loft I still have, rolled up in a battered cardboard tube the only two bits of Saints memorabilia I own. A signed team photo of the Saints 71-72 squad given to me by a good friend who unfortunately did not see the end of 1972 and the Football Echo from May 1st 1976. Headline IT'S OURS!
  14. GK - Eric Martin possibly due to his resemblance to Harpo Marx than for his goalkeeping prowess. RB - Ivan Golac, Joe Kirkup, because he always seemed to marking the penalty spot. LB - Dennis Hollywood, David Peach, Mark Dennis, Mick Mills Midfield - Steve Williams, Bally, David Armstrong Wingers - Paine, Sydenham Forwards - Davies, Channon, Le Tiss, Boyer, Worthington, plus two others both of whom contributed greatly by scoring in promotion seasons. Norman Dean 1966 and Tony Funnell 1978.
  15. Hope you have a good'un. Never been to Sharm, but spent two weeks in Makadi Bay on other side of Red Sea. Best holiday we've had in years. All inclusive too. Anyway get a decent mask and snorkel and enjoy, there is still plenty to see on Red Sea reefs. I don't do clubbing due to advancing years (50+) so can't comment but, weather is reliable and in our experience the people can't do enough for you particularly if you are going 5 star.
  16. I'd give inFamous a go. Not exactly RPG but with upgrade elements available, a good storyline and a fairly open world it might fit the bill
  17. Just been watching 'The Drive' with John Elway and the Broncos on utube. This is an awesome sporting moment. Also a tribute to Walter Payton, the greatest of them all. A couple of sporting geniuses. Interesting Elway No 7 Le Tissier No 7 Payton No 34=7 Paine No 7. Might be something in that number. Lets hope for a Saints double over teams in green this weekend.
  18. Winnersaint


    Valley Parade 6th March 1976 - The day of the flying Party 7.
  19. Post of the day. Couldn't agree more. Fecking conspiracy theorists. Next thing you know they'll me telling me, man didn't land on the moon. I know they did. We watched it in the hall at North Baddesley Junior School instead of lessons.
  20. That was the way i saw it and the Eurosport guys too. Cavendish needs to add a bit to his game so he can contest the intermediate sprints, something Hushovd did better than him this year. Doing so will see him in green for years to come. Hats off to Wiggins too, particularly after his Cofidis 2007 experience.
  21. London Irish
  22. Not a pikey by any stretch of imagination. Professional couple with teenage daughter wanting a holiday in the sun without paying through the nose in Euro's. I'll give some of the maths. Our normal holiday is 3 and a half weeks in Greece, more specifically in a place called Stoupa in the Peloponnese. Been going since 92. Cost this year, 3.5K+ for holiday. 2.4K for Egypt admittedly for only two weeks but very few extra costs. We may well hate it, I have a feeling I may well hate it, but I've got an open mind about things. If it's full of northern monkeys Midlands retards and ****ney scum and Skates we won't go back, but at least we will have tried something different.
  23. Going to Makadi Bay two weeks today. Mainly for sun, snorkelling etc. Dune buggy trip into the desert either at sunrise or sunset looks good. First time to Egypt. First time on any sort of holiday organised by a travel agent since 1995. First time all inclusive. Forums on Red Sea resorts cite the money as a major cause of squitters and also having your A/C too low in the room.
  24. I think this is a spot on assessment. Mark Wotte has conducted himself with real dignity, however, lets not forget that he was in charge when we were relegated from the CCC. New brooms etc. Wish him well though!
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