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Everything posted by Winnersaint

  1. MTFU all of you disbelievers, and Alpine you are just a K U N T. You self centred t o s s e r. I've kind of sussed it's all about the wind up with you. Btw I don't have tourettes (****. ****, ****). If I were you I would seek medical/psychological help, failing that I'd chuck yourself off the nearest high mountain. there are plenty around in that Saints supporting stronghold of Austria. Tbh this is not a serious post. Alps you do keep me entertained even if you seem to know F C U K all about football. If you've been a saints fan for 40 odd years you kind of get used to all of it.
  2. Was channel hopping last night and saw accident as it happened. Horrific doesn't even begin to describe it. The most chilling thing since was seeing in car footage just seconds before a person's life was lost. Not a petrolhead or particularly interseted in motorsports, but it strikes me that it takes some kind of courage to race on the edge at 220mph RIP.
  3. **** off you troll
  4. Well I never saw that coming. There are lots of comments here about his proposed and now eventual move. http://www.cyclechat.net/topic/89711-wheres-cav-going/page__pid__1878427__st__180#entry1878427. Interestingly there is an awful lot of negative b o l l o c k s on them with only a few sane posts. Remind anyone of somewhere similar? Seriously though it is going to be interesting. Having Bernie Eisel as captain on the road may well take pressure off Wiggins as well as piloting Cav through the mountains in the autobus.
  5. Sainsbury's because it's near enough to be like a corner shop. Other than that do it by t'internet and get it delivered. using ASDA and Sainsbury;s on alternate weeks. ASDA much cheaper btw.
  6. Yes, the "clueless gypsy" has once again been positive about us; says we're the real deal and it would be foolish to write us off
  7. I've only caught up with the programme in the last 24 hours even though I was told I needed to watch it by my colleagues on Friday. Almost all of what I do day to day involves working with young people in a Secondary School in similar type of place (ie in one of London/South East's postwar new towns) so a lot of what I saw and heard from them was very familar to me. The same sorts of values, attitudes and challenges.I found that I agreed with Mr Drew about most things which make working in a school perhaps more challenging and less simplistic than it used to be. He obviously has the interests of those he works with at heart and clearly enjoys his job. I agree with other posters who questioned the cake incident and other inconsistencies, but what particularly grated with me was the way the situation with Carmelita (the girl who got excluded) was handled. The girl was clearly a challenge but the whole thing seemed to escalate very quickly to the point where she swore at him and got excluded as a result. Although he appeared calm and non-confrontational I was left with a distinct feeling he was pressing buttons. He picked the fight and probably knew what the outcome would be.
  8. End of April. Then I'll believe.
  9. The Charlie Sheen of professional football. Always liked him as a player. Him and Colin are made for each other.
  10. I was leaving work having been working with a colleague who was going through capability proceedings. I first heard what was happening on the car radio as I drove home on the car. I was particularly concerned as my wife was on business in Belfast on that day and was due to fly back to Heathrow in the middle of the afternoon. Rather scarily she watched the whole thing unfold live in an airport lounge in Belfast. She got home very late that evening. Trying to make sense of it to my then 5 year old daughter who had seen some TV footage at the childminders was difficult.
  11. Winnersaint


    Heard via my daughter that youths were allegedly trying to start a riot in the Oracle in Reading yesterday. Running through the shops trying to scare and intimidate people. It speaks volumes about these people that they completely avoided Waterstones
  12. Enjoy it. Just don't get too uptight if it doesn't go to plan. hope things improve on health front.
  13. Heard the news from a Saints fan while on holiday in Egypt. Genuinely stunning news at the time. Such a shame he wasn't around in May. RIP
  14. Leicester????
  15. I though KP was fookin cricketer!
  16. Glad you got your bike sorted. Still hard when it comes to a choice between equally good'uns in your price range. sometimes it comes down to looks and colour more than anything. I've had a similar problem deciding between the Cube Agree GTC Pro and the Ridley Orion. Although the Ridley is slightly better kitted the Cube is IMO a better looking bike, but it is predominantly white, which from the experience of my existing Cube bike is a b u g g e r to keep clean, whereas the Ridley is mainly black. Tough decision! Anyway enjoy your new bike, but beware it can become addictive. Before you know where you are you'll be applying the bike ownership equation. This is the number of bikes already owned + 1. It's a slippery slope. It's only taken me a year to go from a good quality entry level aluminium frame with carbon forks and Shimano Tiagra groupset to wanting a carbon framed machine.
  17. Sounds like a brilliant trip Sandwich. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope to get out there with bike someday myself. In the meantime I'll have to practice around the Chilterns and Berkshire Downs.
  18. Well, well! Just about the most amazing stage for many a year. Andy Schleck going on the Izoard was supremely courageous (just chatting to next door neighbour - reckons Izoard is the nastiest climb he's done) but chapeau to Thomas Voeckler for still being in yellow. Don't think he'll be there tomorrow. Think he'll get battered going up Telegraphe, the steep side of Galibier and Alpe d'Huez
  19. Agree with all of this but the effects of the Wouter Weylandt tragedy in the Giro obviously weigh heavily on the Leopard Treks. Still think Bertie's got something up his sleeve (not a contaminated steak), but would like to see Evans in yellow in Paris.
  20. Absolute carnage yesterday. Bad luck on Brajkovic. Boonen lucky to still be in there. Seemed like Quicksteps all going down like dominoes at one point. Cav's finish was awesome. Uphill finish in Lisieux today so maybe no repetetion. Tomorrow stage has no categorised climbs, The only other one with none on the route is to the Champs Elysee. So its off to Chateauroux, birthplace of Gerard Depardieu and scene of Cav's first stage win in 2008. Probably wouldn't bet against him to win there again.
  21. Stage 4 finishes on the Mur de Bretagne (Breton Wall). Much steeper than Stage 1 finish just like an Ardennes Spring Classic so Gilbert it will be, especially as it's his birthday. http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/cavendish-ready-to-prove-doubters-wrong
  22. So Baj and Badger if you're looking at the sub £1000 mark road bike all I can say is you will get a very good machine at what is a very competitive price point. Lightweight aluminium frame with carbon forks with mid range probably Shimano groupset (brakes, levers, front mech /rear deraillieur etc). My opinion and it is only an opinion is that you are probably best off going to your local bike shop, although Halfords will be your only option if you go down the Boardman route. Good bikes, well kitted. Try bikes out and above all get properly fitted. Some LBS offer this as part of the sale of your bike, others charge you up front for it and deduct it off the price. As far as what is the best bike - it will come down ultimately to your own personal preference. For Specialized look at the Allez and Secteur range SECTEUR SPORT TRIPLE - £769.99, ALLEZ ELITE COMPACT - £799.99, ALLEZ SPORT TRIPLE INT - £619.99. There are a lot of them about so many punters can't be wrong - however I would recommend a look at Cube bikes. The Cube Attempt at £999 is probably out of range if you want other bits with it. Cube Peloton at £849 is excellent, but I'm biased because I have the 2010 model of this bike. Not an expert only had my roadie since last August, but once bitten by the bug you'll not be able to stop yourselves. http://www.cubebikeshop.co.uk/
  23. A spectacular first stage. Was tailor made for Phillipe Gilbert. Look out for him again on the Mur de Bretagne another 'puncheur's finish. Sky or HTC to win TTT tomorrow.
  24. I was a nipper, I went to that game. It was a low point along with Shilton scoring
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