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Everything posted by Winnersaint

  1. Now that is a strange pub. Saw a right couple of mongs having fags outside at lunchtime today when driving past. Kind of redefined the term inbreds. I could be rude about Whitley but I won't because in the past it's been very good to me! FWIW thought we were good all round. Agree with those who have hinted a mid-table solidity rather than relegation haunted. Team/squad is learning the lessons of the early season reversals.
  2. Pulis - Skate *****!!
  3. Funny how very little of this argumentative sheeite went on last year. Not got anything against Delldays he's entitled to his opinion, as is that idiot in Austria, who's yet to post his special brand of doom and gloom. Can't you go on you submarine for couple of months DD and spare us the unrelenting negativity?
  4. Perhaps Sir Bradley and Sir Chris (Hoy) can have a joust on bikes!
  5. Vouchers for local bike shop, Amazon gift certificate - so got a couple of books for the Kindle.
  6. If my wife hadn't bought me a Mega Drive for my 37th birthday the whole world of games would be totally alien to me. I loved the Sonic Games, played them for hours, along with the early FIFA games and PGA Tour and European Tour Golf . Fell out of love with it on purchase of first computer and spent hours playing F1, Warcraft 2 etc. Even with Interweb I have steadfastly refused to play online anything. Too old too slow. Play Pro Cycling Manager 2012 on PC and have a PS3. need to finish Assassins Creed III. BTW rate Uncharted series as my favourite games of all time!
  7. Good stuff Doc. As far as riding in the forest is concerned I remember wrestling my 5 speed Campag Claude Butler up Blissford Hill when I was in my teens. Lots of mates from school lived in Godshill, Stuckton and Frogham so been up and down it a good few times. My advice is ask Santa for a turbo trainer. Around £100 - £150 will get you something perfectly good. Been using mine since middle of September. All you need is an old tyre that you're not to fussed about trashing to go on the back. Got a good training programme if anyone is interested.Good news is that I got my pride and joy back on Tuesday. Now it's a nice looking bike anyway but with Ksyrium Elite S wheels and yellow Jagwire cables to match the Flandrien flag which is all over the frame it looks so good I could almost eat it. Don't want to enter any events yet as i need to find out what shoulder specialist says but looking at Chiltern Dipper in April, the Jurassic Beast in May and the Action Research Chiltern 100 in June. That hopefully will be my first 100 miler.
  8. Do the fat and ugly fans shame the club in the same way when they're seen on MOTD.
  9. Still improving thanks. Got to see a shoulder specialist though to see if I have to have surgery. Take the riding really easy when you start up again. Good luck.
  10. A colleague of mine until recently is a qualified ref in the Bracknell area. He's registered blind!!!!
  11. Was there at Wembley at 4:33 on May 1st !976. I was also there at the CWC Quarter Final v Anderlecht having hitched from Worcester in the afternoon. I was at Highbury to watch that ***** Heath put us out of the cup semi, and at the Dell a few days later when we stuffed them! Was also at the Dell when we stuffed Blackburn 5-1 when we next met them after Ossie's swansong. Bailey, dogs abuse throughout. Happy days. Been so many times since but those stand out.
  12. FFS children, haven't we got anything better to do than ***** from behind our keyboards. This has been dubbed by some a mongboard which is exactly what it is proving to be this evening. Did I miss something? I thought we won today. Most of the posts are a source of real amusement though, on an evening when there's only the X Factor and IACGMOOH on the box at least there's somewhere to go for entertainment. Just play nicely!
  13. Brilliant!!
  14. Got a horrible feeling QPR will rip us a new one next Saturday. Difficult times!
  15. Thanks to SandwichSaint for enquiring on the main board as to how things were progressing following my accident at the end of August. I am recovering, but it's been a slow process mainly because there was no displacement of bone in the ball joint part of my shoulder. This meant my arm had to be immobilised for six weeks so that the muscles didn't pull the fractured bits apart. This was a good thing as it meant no operation was necessary. Right arm was pretty much useless as a result but improving rapidly with physio. have progresses to strengthening exercises in last couple of days. The downside is that I'm about to start 10th week off work, not including half term. Due to length of time I had off I was referred to Occupational Health who were in my opinion very over cautious and have decided that I can't return to work until I have more strength and mobility in my arm. Unfortunately despite my protestations to work they are bound by the OH decision. Hopefully will return on 3rd December in phased return until Xmas holidays. In a catch 22 at present. Want to return, feel I can return but bureaucracy getting in the way. Bike and cycling wise the news is better. My bike has been fully vetted by LBS and there is no damage to frame /forks/steerer etc. Front wheel took impact hence bent like a Pringle. Claimed on insurance and currently awaiting delivery and fitting of a set of Mavic Ksyrium Elite S wheels. Also having new bar tape with gel underneath and cables replaced with Jagwire. Am now fully functional on turbo trainer and using it to shift excess weight due to injury as well as keeping core CV fitness going. Hopefully back on road soon.
  16. Really hope we win this. Can't rationalise it but really hate the fookin Jacks.
  17. Permission to speak, sir? Don't panic!!! They don't like it up-em sir. Don't suppose anyone could get away with referring to people as 'fuzzy-wuzzies these days. RIP.
  18. Walk away Nigel. No recriminations nothing! Just walk with your head held high and considerable dignity intact. Back to back promotions will always be your legacy, just a shame this bit of it isn't working out.
  19. Don't you mean 4 from 10. Been a Saints fan for a long time nothing surprises me. Too much bull**** spouted on here (what a surprise!) before the season started so everyone has had their expectations dashed to smithereens. Without wanting to be patronising it kind of goes with the territory of being a Saints fan.
  20. Hmmmm! This place gets so entertaining when the chips are down!
  21. Almost certainly going to do this in April. http://www.cyclosport.org/event/21-Apr-2013/UK/4th-annual-chilterns-dipper-sportive---little-big-dipper.htm
  22. Awesome stuff!!
  23. This gives you a taste of opinions. Many posters on this site are from the US and I believe it is hosted in Australia. It has a very anti-Sky agenda and there is a lot of suspicion amongst those who post about Wiggins, Froome and Brailsford, who in some posts is portrayed as an evil Svengali figure manipulating both Sky and the British Cycling team through misdeeds. The reality is that Sky Pro cycling made some pretty bold statements at its launch with regards is stance on doping which in hindsight were probably not achievable given the period that cycling had been through in the previous ten years. Now to some extent cycling is in a position where riders from the doping era are now heavily involved in today's teams. Sean Yates roomed with Armstrong and worked with him on the Discovery Channel team. Bobby Julich allegedly has a history also works for Sky. You have Johan Bruyneel, until the brown stuff hit the fan a couple of days ago at RNT. Both Rolf Aldag and Brian Holm formerly DS's with Columbia/HTC/High Road and architects of the majority of Mark Cavendish's stage wins at the TdF including his Green jersey in 2011 admitted using EPO in the 1990s. I could go on, Jonathan Vaughters at Garmin was a USPS team member in the Armstrong era, so whether there is a doping past or not the sport finds itself in an invidious position at the present time because of its recent history and Sky and its British riders are a victim of the hangover of suspicion. http://forum.cyclingnews.com/showthread.php?t=18802 http://forum.cyclingnews.com/showthread.php?t=17412&page=647
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