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Everything posted by Winnersaint

  1. Followed the first half. At 2-0. Stopped following as pretty much knew what would come. Quelle surprise come 5pm.
  2. You are perfectly entitled to think that way, but I would be inclined to wait until there was some kind of evidence of any BS and so called two tier policing before coming to a judgement. As yet the case is proceeding, presumably guided by the law as it stands. Just because a bunch of people want things to happen more quickly doesn't mean that the investigative and legal processes should be short circuited to satisfy their demands. There is no equivalence here. Two separate cases entirely, one way more complicated that the other.
  3. This is the latest update from GMP from last week. Looking at the timings it would appear that most who were interviewed and charged following the riots pled guilty before the comprehensive evidence file for the Manchester Airport incident was sent to the CPS. So court appearances were ongoing before the file was sent. However cut and dry the airport incident looked it obviously merited much more detailed investigation. Obviously not as simple as guy whacks two female police officers, police officer stamps on his head so a bit more to unravel legally I would assume. Farage is just trying to make political capital out of it. Yet another example of false equivalence. “Following an investigation led by the GMP Major Incident Team, a comprehensive file of evidence was sent to the CPS in Mid-August, and we await a charging decision. “We have avoided providing ongoing commentary on the case, including releasing footage, to ensure that justice can be served without the risk of prejudicing proceedings. We continue to support the officers involved and are committed to getting them justice.”
  4. This cnut is still shit stirring.
  5. She's a real wrong un if those comments are accurate. Keeping working "on the sly" in a role which is regulated by the DBS and "I'll play the mental health card;" after she's been bailed says it all. Doesn't actually show a lot of remorse. Sad they lost a child but doesn't give her carte blanche to say what she liked on social media. Whatever you believe you have to think there's a filter there somewhere which says, 'maybe I shouldn't post this?' Loads of false equivalence going on by usual suspects, comparing this with Huw Edwards and the Manchester Airport assaults.
  6. And from SRL
  7. Weston has done a great job, I follow him on Strava. Impressive stuff you’re doing as well and pleased you are seeing progression. Hoping by the time next July comes around I’ll be hauling south of 75kg up Alpe d’Huez rather than around 80 but it’s not easy. I think people have a tendency to over estimate what they burn in relation to what they perceive they put in. Take yesterday, Strava estimates my 32k virtual ride burnt 424 calories. That’s a donut and a half or a couple of pints of lager. Sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference. I do a very very modest weight and core circuit each morning concentrating on form over volume. Don’t do much leg work apart from stretches as I can’t lunge or squat due to a dodgy left knee, but as cyclists generally have the upper body strength of a fish working the core and upper body is beginning to pay dividends on the bike. I PBd the ride yesterday by 4 minutes (that’s unheard of over that sort of distance without really blowing out of your arse. Hope we all keep it going. arse
  8. Duckie points out that the Tories need to appeal to him as a potential floating voter, likewise as someone whose voting preference is not set in stone they need to appeal to people like me. They can no longer appeal to both of us and that is where their dilemma lies. In shire county constituencies it is hard to see the likes of Honest Bob or Kemikazi will gain any traction. In 5 years time a whole load of potential Tory voters in these constituencies will not be with us and it may well be that the Lib Dumbs as he so poetically refers to them have a firm foothold. Interesting times.
  9. People with their own YouTube Channels claiming to have heard (Band X) the first time and reacting to it on said channels. Live versions of Sultans of Swing in particular seem to be commonly used in this way. It usually starts with, "Hi I'm a guitarist and I came across this track for the first time." Yeah right, a guitarist who's never heard of Mark Knopfler kind of stretches the boundaries a bit. Also Americans putting stuff up about how different things are in the UK compared to America when they travel to or live in this country. No shit Sherlock!
  10. At least he has god on his side.😂
  11. Kirk Cousins seems to have carved out a decent career as a QB too.
  12. Nice to know that Leo Tolstoy is still alive and posting on this message board.
  13. Can't help feeling sometimes that if he were made of chocolate he'd eat himself.
  14. Pompey giving us a good laugh this season.
  15. Premier League scoring record goes this weekend, well outdo ourselves.
  16. Like you I saw all them play for Saints, but it doesn't help in the here and now, in a world where instant gratification reigns supreme
  17. In some ways I feel sorry for him. The fact he’s been left with a young inexperienced squad and is a young inexperienced manager. Not a league where those two characteristics point to success.
  18. We’ve got a better squad than either of those. If Burnley, SU and Luton were in EPL this year we’d stay up. Sadly we’ve been promoted from a brutal Championship into a very strong EPL. We have had no chance since the first ball was kicked this season.
  19. RM overthought it. He’s guilty of that as charged.
  20. Perspective and all that. We were never going to be competitive this season. Getting cross about will change fuck all.
  21. There may well be plenty more things in life to be infuriated and depressed about than Saints losing at Bompey.
  22. The thing that amazes me is that anyone thought it was going to be better.
  23. Players have lost it. No confidence in the system, and many know they’re neither good enough or experienced enough at this level.
  24. We’re just not very good, are we?
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