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Everything posted by Winnersaint

  1. 1994. - School does not offer good value for money. NoR 900+ 1997 - Does not address literacy across the secondary curriculum. NoR +/- 750 1998 re inspection - School still does not address literacy across the secondary curriculum although it is beginning to be visible NoR +/- 650 2000 - 2nd re inspection - School is addressing literacy successfully across the curriculum. NoR around 600. 2002 - Placed in special measures. Head booted not resigned DfE appointed executive head. NoR 570 2003-2005 - Termly HMI inspections (3 person team looking for school improvement). Behaviour management my remit. NoR 500 - 420 2005 - Taken out of special measures. New headteacher apppointed. Main aim is to make school No1 choice within its local community. 2010 - Satisfactory - Given notice to improve leadership. NoR 600 2013 - Satisfactory with elements of good. NoR as above. 2014 re inspection - RI. Requires improvement officially. Head forced to resign. Executive head parachuted in from successful school in locality. NoR 720 ish. 2015 - Deputy head from above successful school appointed head teacher. 2017 - School becomes academy, part of Greenshaw Learning Trust. Puts off further inspection for 3 years as deemed a new school. 2021 - Full OFSTED inspection school rated good with elements of excellent. NoR 1000+ school oversubscribed, as it remains to this day. This is my OFSTED history working in a less than resilient school in the south. From 1992 to 2021. It certainly shows the negative impact on numbers of poor OFSTED judgements. It could be argued that it demonstrates the value of accountablity through inspection. If I’m honest the most productive years were when we were in special measures where we were supported by HMI when the school became so small it couldn’t support a viable curriculum and was earmarked for closure.
  2. Waiting for the ‘I didn’t know there was a University of Worcester’ comments.
  3. Illegal e-bikes and e-scooters that have been doctored usually ridden by scumbags in grey trackies and black duvet jacket with a hoodie underneath.
  4. Utterly predictable. Possibly very funny too. My Welsh mate is not sure a bloke from Merthyr is a natural Jack.
  5. 1-0 Eastleigh
  6. Be as kind to yourself as you can. Its tough and even those of us that have been through it can't really give any advice other than that. Grief is such a personal thing and there is no right or wrong way to do it. My experience of it is it is cyclical rather than a linear thing which makes a mockery of the lame platitude of 'time being a great healer.' This coming Tuesday marks 2 years since my wife died. I'm OK, I've got on with things but I have those moments when it comes up and slaps me in the face when least I expect. Its a bit like that. Take care. PM if you feel it might help.
  7. This made me laugh from CCFC Forum "Martin is a pain in the arse, jumping up and down, animated and arguing with our players throughput especially when Tanner won a tackle fair and square. Martin was abusive."
  8. Ah yes the Old Farm derby
  9. Watched the first half echo everything said. Cant be arsed to watch the second half. The 0-1 is utterly predictable as will the toys being thrown here afterwards.
  10. Obviously they’re not a parks team! Real pros in there.
  11. Bogey team. Defeat, cue lack of coping on here.
  12. This was never going to end well the moment the first post was EIEIEIO 1-4. Tis written in the stars I tell ee!
  13. Trouble is EIEIEIO has been mentioned in the thread so we’re bound to fuck up tomorrow. Not sure people will be able to cope. It’ll be Martin out time come five o’clock.
  14. Is he a natural successor to VVD at the dippers?
  15. I'm a bloke, I fucking hate DIY though.
  16. I did find reading an interview with Bella Ramsey a bit strange seeing they/them all over the place, but hey-ho. Its a wedge issue and in this day and age we have to take a side.
  17. That’s a shame, I love a bit of Blue on Blue action.
  18. A few shouting at clouds still.
  19. That's put the mockers on it then.😁
  20. Where’s Brum?
  21. Still around on Strava. Done plenty of century bike rides this year.
  22. Is it Martin out again? Wasn’t Martin out on Saturday was it?
  23. Too sensible for most on here. Imagine if we’d lost. Is it me or is there so much disrespect for other Championship clubs amongst our fans at times. I mean Preston do have professional footballers playing for them. Not like they’re park amateurs. Oh and Rotherham had a team of pros as well.
  24. Looked at both in the summer when buying a car for my daughter. They certainly looked a good value option but most seemed to have average to above mileage. Now that might have just been the cars I was looking at. Ended up paying slightly more but not much for a 70 plate Fiesta Active after a spontaneous visit to the local Ford dealer
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