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Everything posted by homesick-saint

  1. http://www.newcastleunited-mad.co.uk/news/loadnews.asp?cid=TMNW&id=462911 according to this site (but no source given) both were spoken to by Pinnacle (along with WGS and Dowie) and Shearer would have accepted the manager's job. Should Cortesse have offered the job to either of them?
  2. spot on post imho
  3. Totally unrealistic post Rooney wouldn't move this far away from his family and friends.
  4. http://www.tribalfootball.com/southampton-eyeing-sunderland-striker-odonovan-282161 Is the Star a reliable source?
  5. Most teams in this league will lose to Huddersfield away this season and Mill wall was always going to be tough. We'll win at Swindon (at worst a draw) and will get better as new signings and better coaching takes effect. COYR
  6. I agree. It seems strange to risk upsetting the apple cart now when things are progressing so well. Particularly when Cortese is saying that the man may not be in place for months
  7. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4547838 :confused::confused:Echo reporting that Cortese is going to appoint a Sporting Director to be responsible for transfers etc. Did AP know this when he accepted the managers job? :confused:
  8. Haaaaaaaay, Rickie Lambert I want to know for sure Will you score a goal
  9. I think that's the real point. There are very few players that EVERY premiership team would want to sign
  10. World class post
  11. good hope he is injured for months
  12. Brilliant Post
  13. Dunure. How long have you stayed in Ayr?
  14. If we had Rasiak and John last season we would have stayed up and would be 10 points better off now.
  15. I live in Scotland and have had untold stick about our club in the last few months. Looking at the team today AP is obviously looking for a win. Please do it today Saints. I'd get bragging rights for the next year. Sorry, this shouldn't really be a new thread. I got carried away. Still...........2:1 now Yipee I mean't 2:0
  16. She deserves some recognition. Through all of our troubles in the last few years she has been the one really outstanding attribute of the club (well 2 outstanding attributes really)
  17. I am looking forward to some stability, good business decisions and a little investment to oil the wheels. I hope your investment is returned tenfold when we return to the Premiership under your ownership and guidance. Welcome to a fantstic family club
  18. couldn't agree more
  19. Vinicio Fioranelli Could be the Swiss version of Marc Jackson, a deluded attention seeker, but this is the name that is being bandied about. Claims to front a consortium with Swiss, Arab and German backers. But who knows?
  20. I think that if nothing else, we have learned that getting a manager on the cheap is not the answer. Look at what Bruce achieved at Wigan. Forget the football (although they performed very well under his stewardship) but he earned his money several times over just through his transfer dealing.
  21. I thought it was quite funny tbh
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