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steve f 48

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  1. I agree with captainchris. Fox is shiite and is always infield too far and NEVER EVER stops a cross coming in. His pathetic flick ANYWHERE when he finally noticed the ball sums up his total lack of spatial awareness. He shouldn't really ever play for Saints again.
  2. Leave them alone! What is wrong with you?
  3. Fox was shiite. Best game of the season. you are blind and deaf!
  4. If I have got the right bloke, he drove a blue "peckham" 3 wheeler. He fell asleep on the way back from a Liverpool match and we helped get it out of a ditch. We then helped him push it up some ramps into the back of my transit 6 wheeler. Thewre was about 2-3 feet sticking out the back. I may be the only person you have ever heard of that had one of them in the back of a transit.
  5. Dalek- Are you Cortese in disguise by any chance?
  6. I have just watched the whole game via the earlier link and found that Saints were not as awful as some(who actually watched the game) have led us to think. In the second half Saints had probably 50-60 % of the game and look near to ok. They did need more penetration in the final third. I thought the 2nd half player formation was much better than the first.
  7. I don't usually post, but watching the first 20 mins. I was horrified at how bad saints were. Completely defensive and crap. Lallana admitted that the shape was changed after 20 mins, so how did Na get it so wrong from the start. Clyne was vg and wp got better and better. Saints need at least 5 players who are better than what we have.
  8. It would seem that a lack of transfer activity is reflected in the forum topics deteriorating into lots of toings and froings climate warming ( lots of hot air), Roll on a signing!
  9. I am utterly sick and tired of somebody starting a thread about Beattie. Will Mods please ban the subject?
  10. I thought Guly didn't do very much at all when he came at Leeds and should stay on the bench
  11. Can we get Jeremy Clarkeson to shoot Beattie in front of his family so we can't have anybody start any more Freds about him?
  12. Have a nice day!
  13. go away permanently with Beattie.I am sick and tired of twa's keeping on with this carp. He is muslim get over it!
  14. they will have to scour the football world for a replacement
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