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Everything posted by FMPR

  1. Got to remember you will have to pay for all the Police overtime that will be necessary....
  2. With Jans comments perhaps hes after Kelvin. Being serious howeve rmore likely a check on Morgan
  3. Jans been on the wacky backy
  4. Its the appearance bonus money of Rasiak and John which is the problem
  5. Got to remember last season had lots of season tickets being bought just ont he premise of the Paul Allen revolution
  6. Because he negotiated a £4m staying up fee with Spurs management.. ..:smt075
  7. The only possible way I could see this happening if it was in Whitely or Fareham as a halfway house. Both clubs sell their respective grounds and use the procedes to by a ground.
  8. Condolences from the other end of the M27
  9. It might be a case that you need to go one step back to go two steps forward.
  10. Joe Jordan would have been have been there checking on Omar Koroma of Norwich (who is on loan)
  11. I see its Omar Koromas first start for Norwich
  12. But surely thats what happened in Lowes absence. The board speculated they would blow a load of money on trying to get Prem football back only for it to fail. As always when you gamble theres a negative side as well
  13. I would suspect the deal is appearance absed anyway so nowhere near £1m was the initial outlay.
  14. The argument will be getting the finances on the straight and narrow or administration
  15. Deep in the do do already
  16. Rasiak going would have freed up lots of money for wages
  17. From memory when he played for Portsmouth he was a decent passer of the ball, a safe passer.
  18. was regarded as one of the hottest properties in Europe a couple year sback
  19. Cracking signing for your lot
  20. Hes really not very good...
  21. Davies has a sell on clause as well so its not even full £!.3m
  22. I must be the only billionaire who doesnt want to bye a football club
  23. Will depend if he plays, QPR were in for him this summer. If he doesnt play he should and most likely will go.
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