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Everything posted by Evo
Try pinging the router from the notebook, while also pinging it from another (working) machine. Say your router IP address was, you'd go to a command prompt and type ping -t (on Windows) or ping (on Linux) leave it for a couple of minutes and look out for pings that go missing (i.e. you get a "request timed out" message or similar). If you get lost pings on both machines, it's the router, if it's just the netbook then it's a fault with that machine. I've had to turn the power management off on a couple of laptops to avoid this kind of packet loss, so this might be somthing to check.
Stanley changed his name to Mole... Fair enough. The best "character" evidence was sadly lost during the server crash. Of course no evidence exists for the majority of the current allegations against MJ, we both know that.
Behind GMs bluster is a valid point. We've only really got MLT as an indication that this is not a Jackson style smoke and mirrors play. If it turns out to be some kind of leveraged debt deal with some anonymous investor in the background "just in case" the debt gets out of control, then I'll be pretty ****ed off to say the least. There's no indication that this is the case to be fair, though I can understand the frustration at the transparency on one hand (good comms from TL) and a lack of transparency on the other (anonymous money man).
I've never seen the point in holding grudges against people who've not been able to cut it while here (executives excepted...). It's not like they're deliberately crap. If that makes me a plastic then so be it lol.
When he was "interested" pre-admin, he was supposed to be living in a flat overlooking Tescos on Lindsay Road. Dunno where he is now, don't care frankly! Interesting that he still appears to be a director of A F C Bournemouth ( 2008 ) Limited though. While I am struggling to understand the point of Mole's rants against MJ, how on earth can a question be libel?
Could be or it could be some form of financial and/or suspended sentance. Who whows with them. Arbitrary seems to be the word :confused: Another random thought I've had is that there may be debts which the FL would class as "football related" that are not given sufficient priority due to the structuring of the Pinnacle deal and would thus have to "wait in queue" with any other creditors as SLH is wound up - may be the FL are unhappy at the predicted dividend to these creditors. Dunno, I've almost had enough of this. TAKEOVERS OUT!
That's my current thinking Weston, we've been swept along a bit by the media yesterday. Things are never exactly as they seem to us without all the facts, as I pondered yesterday. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=336043&postcount=36 Interesting thoughts Phil, though I'd be surprised if the FL were so foolhardy as to put any restrictive term requirements in writing! They may have given a verbal indication of what would be needed before permitting the transfer of the share/license. I note that the main FL rules say nothing about that, leaving me to conclude that they can basically say we don't want to give you a license and we don't have to explain why...
In the real world, if you have a loophole (or to put it another way a badly written rule/law) and someone exploits it, they get away with it. You say through gritted teeth "you got me this time old chap" and then promptly rewrite the rule/law to avoid it happening again. In the FL world they say "spirit of the law says no" and promptly add whatever slant they want to the rules to suit. I've read through the FL rules and they couldn't be clearer, we *shouldn't* have been given the penalty but conversely we *shouldn't* have any right of appeal under their rules. There are a few other rules in there that left me scratching my head wondering "can they really do that?" I suggest a thorough review of the system from the top down. Lots of politicians, lots of money, lots of time and lots of inaction.* * not really.
http://www.football-league.co.uk/staticFiles/b3/7a/0,,10794~96947,00.pdf This bit makes me laugh: I wish I'd gone down the boozer tonight
I guess this has already been dissected but I like the comparison: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/jeremywilson/blog/2009/05/05/southampton_saga_also_places_football_league_under_the_spotlight In answer to Exit2's question, I don't see how a CVA could be used here, so we'd presumably have to rely on the FL bending their own rules again to avoid a further penalty - the boot would be on the other foot this time, morally we wouldn't deserve another penalty but legally we would
Presumably the only reason SFC haven't already appealed is the lack of funds?
The most likely situation IMVHO is that Fry and Pinnacle are complicit in making it appear as though the deal will not be completed under these terms. By that I mean Fry will 'not have time' to 'seriously entertain' any other bid or interest from another party that may sniff around. To put it bluntly it will be an unofficial extension to the exclusivity period for as a couple of days to try and get those 10 points knocked off (which is probably a now or never kind of opportunity), by trying to manouver the FL. I think a fair amount can be read into the fact that there has been a fairly well maintained media blackout over the last three weeks, yet today it's leaks galore out of all of the main protagonists. That to me says that anything that is reported in the media is being reported because the interested parties want it to be reported. Put it this way - to us fans it seems like this is **** or bust time. Now imagine that this is just a bit of diversion and the metaphorical handshake has unofficially already been done. Totally different situation, no? As for the legal situation, this is a difficult one. The two applicable acts I can come up with are the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Both these acts overlap and, at times, contradict each other. The gist of it though is that the law looks to protect consumers rather than businesses, so I'm not sure how that would play out. There must be common law avenues to investigate - and probably some precidents dating back to 18 hundred and something. There is certainly an air of inevitability about all of this though. Much as I had hoped for it to be wrapped up today, it was never going to happen was it
"Ha ha very funny Matt, now get me down you c**t before I slap a 50 point deduction on your ass" or It was a sad reflection on Saints' inability to get anything done right that a miscommunication resulted in the wrong kind of hanging for Lord Mawhinney. or The fabled "Missing Link" between humans and neanderthals has been discovered swinging from an unguarded crossbar. "Oh bananas!" he said.
Maybe those that are "really ITK" get to be ITK because they can be trusted - i.e. they don't post every confidential snippet of information the receive on the Internet...
Mark of Wotte and Henk van Stee - sounds like a 60s dance move
I have it on good authority that the unveiling will be MLT revealing the old Ted Bates statue with a "Mr X" hessian sack stuck over the head as a tribut to our new owner. I'm ITK innit.
I was quite taken aback by reading that. Being used to an OS where "everything is great" I can't believe how much of a rant at Perform they are having there. Good on them :prayer: Kinda makes you glad we kept our own site, rather than siging up for that pants offering. Oh...
To all intents and purposes, this is simply a case of malcontents crying for attention. Poor retention is the likely result. I blame the failure of Setenta Sports and/or after school detention. Let's hope Trousers is not "pictching a Tent". That could get messy.
LOL, well the Qatar Amiri flight has a 747 based at Bournemouth Airport and it has in the past been used by one of the princesses (who is studying over here) to go shopping in Manchester - a different world
Bit of a toss up between Ansbacher and Abu Hamza.
He also owns a racetrack in Carolina!
Have you checked the event log Pancake? Make sure that the hard drive is not running in PIO mode. You could also try runing Seagate SeaTools or similar to make sure the hard drive is not fecked.
No specific recommendation from me but most top end ASUS machines have a 24 month warranty as standard. Having used the repair center in Scotland, I can't praise it highly enough. Most unlike my experiences with Acer, which were, well, rubbish.
The official 'how long can it take to say nothing' thread
Evo replied to eelpie's topic in The Saints
*cough* The magnitude of the bee's velocity was instantaneously zero *cough*