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Everything posted by Evo

  1. Er, no. I therefore confidently predict this will become a 400 page thread by the end of tomorrow.
  2. Actually, if we can get down the bookies first we might win enough to buy the club
  3. LOL! We could do with something that really emphasises our proud achievements off the pitch... like the time we came ---> Get behind the rig FFS!
  4. I wonder if the white uniformed copper-laden steamboat has left the SMS carpark yet?
  5. Actually it's less a speedboard and more an old steamer - perfect! It's on the banner here: http://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/content/pd/de/index/stadtpolizei_zuerich/gewaesser/wasserschutzpolizei1/einsatzmittel.html Well it kept us all amused for a few minutes I suppose... Edit: I missed the other bit. Yes it's also described as a tractor belonging to Imhof Gemüsekulturen AG. Looks like they use the same numberings on boats and on land thingies.
  6. ZH.33 = Zurich Police Speedboat
  7. Evo

    David O'Leary

    Michael O'Leary of Rynair "fame" would be an idea. Treats the workforce with contempt, refuses to allow union recognition and sacks anyone who tries to encourage membership. Makes staff pay for their own unifoms, lunch, interviews etc.
  8. Evo

    David O'Leary

    The idea fills me with apathy.
  9. Commercial finance is always available, it just depends on terms of the deal. I can't see this being a gentle Barclays + 2% deal, it would be venture fund high risk/high return type stuff I'd imagine I think the fact that the combined net book value of SFC Ltd and SMS Ltd was a whopping minus £1.1m according the last filed accounts was the only reason a leveraged debt deal didn't happen pre-admin.
  10. "The London Mint Office is a wholly-owned subsidiary of one of Europe's most successful direct marketing organisations', the Samlerhuset Group. " They have shedloads of these kind of outfits in the States, flogging all sorts of junk to collectors through TV commercials. Their adverts are full of phrases like "due to incredibly high demand we must insist on a limit of 5 sets [of crappy coins] per household".
  11. The Swiss have a gigantic atom smasher and Saints mad Lucy Pinder has a smashing pair of Pinnacles. But which is best? Hmmmm a difficult choice. Whoever it is, get on with it FFS
  12. Roman Abramovich? Yes, I know, I know...
  13. Evo

    The Swiss?

    In the aviation industry - and many others in fact - current teaching in terms of accident risk analysis and mitigation uses something called the Swiss Cheese Model. It likens a system involving [imperfect] human behaviour and decision making to an array of slices of Swiss cheese. Each slice represents a human in the chain of events leading up to an accident. On any particular day, none, some or all of the holes in the cheese can line up. If all the holes line up "you have a bad day". True story. Now, how do you make a Swiss roll? Push him down a hill. I'm here all week.
  14. Might be that the equipment at the exchange is in the "line testing" stage. When the RADSL kit is first connected to a line it will experiment with the line speed and noise margins over a period of up to 7 days. It will try and work out the fastest stable speed the line can support. Until then, it will disconnect from time to time and the speed will vary until it settles down.
  15. "It's not going to make it!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feGZ4l5fk4Q
  16. He posted some of an email allegedly from Lynam to Fry giving details of the backers - Fialka was not amongst them.
  17. Well I thought he was taking the ****, we'll soon find out I suppose...
  18. No, not just you...
  19. If it came to a fire sale and I had the choice, I'd take SMS Ltd over SFC Ltd - depending on the charging order against it obviously - the stadium loan doesn't appear to be in SMS' name as far as I can see?
  20. As the "Swiss" have Fry by the goolies, I'm sure they'll expect to pay less than the he, or the Creditors, want. They will probably meet half way. Fry is probably referring to the structuring of the deal, rather than the exact wording of the contract. A contract can be drawn up, checked, cross-checked and signed in a day with, shall we say, suitably motivated lawyers. The problem is, we don't know if this is a supposition from Duncan or whether he is privy to more details than we are?
  21. Dave Jones (if he's not in his locker, geddit?) and Ken Tointon
  22. Take a dump in their top drawer, lock it and then keep the key. Remove all of the screws holding their chair to the wheels/uppy downy bit Cover the phone with boot polish Swap some of the letters over on the keyboard (this is easier than you think, just pull the keycaps off and then press them back in) Use some superglue to block almost all of the water cooler so that it comes out rather fast. Youd be surprised how far it can splash out of one of those plastic cups. Superglue the mouse to the desk Lock two peoples drawers and then swap the keys over.
  23. Come on Farmer, what's the score?
  24. Still, the £16.50 appearance bonus from Sky should come in handy.
  25. I guess poor old SSN have to try and get some viewers somehow!
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