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Everything posted by Evo

  1. I won't believe a press call is true until I see a picture of the police boat parked in the SMS carpark.
  2. Yep, they've been f***ing invisible EDIT: Sorry, you can carry on with the handbags now
  3. I vote we opt for a rush goalie.
  4. So, what is the business case for SFC + SMS? Over the last week or so, I've been trying to get my head round the respective accounts of the SLH group constituents. I've detailed the salient points below. This is from the last available set of accounts - for the year ending 2007. Bear in mind that a lot has happened since then... ST MARYS SPV LIMITED 03998175 N/A ST MARYS STADIUM LIMITED 03798424 Turnover £9,625,344 Direct Costs £5,548,220 Admin Costs £1,168,932 Profit £2,908,192 Interest payments £2,462,209 Net profit £445,983 -- League ticket income £4.7m, cup ticket income £0.3m -- Assets: Stadium Stadium building freehold £17.9m Stadium land freehold £8.3m Fixtures & Fittings £10.9m Accrued finance Costs, depreciation etc. (£7.2m) Net Value £29.9m Investments £2.5m Cash in hand £1.5m Debtors (£10.4m of which from SFC...) £10.5m Total £14.5m Total Assets £44.4m Liabilities: Current Liabilities Trade Creditors £0.04m Amounts due to parent company undertakings £9.5m Amounts due to other group companies £2.2m Taxes, accruals & deferred income £3.8m Total £15.5m Long term liabilities Loans due to other group companies within 1-2 years £0.6m Loans due to other group companies within 2-5 years £2.1m Loans due to other group companies within 5+ years £19.5m Accruals & deferred income £4m Total £26.2m Total Liabilities £41.7m Book Value Total Assets £44.4m Total Liabilities £41.7m Provisions £1.4m Share Capital £2 Net Book Value £1.4m ST. MARY'S TRAINING CENTRE LIMITED 02892833 Dormant ST. MICHAEL'S STREET HOMES (NO.1) LIMITED 02342581 N/A SOUTHAMPTON FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED 00053301 Turnover £19,048,280 Direct costs £21,778,590 Loss on disposal of players £2,565,614 Net Loss £5,295,924 Assets: Fixed assets: Player registrations £5.4m Equipment & Vehicles £0.9m Total £6.3m Current assets: Stock £0.4m Debtors £6.8m Cash in hand £0.7m Total £7.9m Total assets £14.2m Liabilities: Current Liabilities: Bank Loan £0.1m Football League Loan £0.1m Trade Creditors £1.7m Amounts due to Group undertaking £10.4m Tax & S/S £1.7m Accruals £1m Finance Lease £0.1m Total £15.1m Long term Liabilities Bank Loan £0.4m Football League Loan £0.1m Trade Creditors £0.2m Finance Lease £0.2m Total £1m Total Liabilities £16.1m The bank loan relates to a loan taken out in 2003 for £1m, secured against group freehold properties, with quarterly repayments. Interest fixed at 2% over base. At the end of f/y 2007, SFC was liabile to pay other clubs up to £1.6m in respect of players under contract - dependent on appearances and international appearances. Between the end of f/y 2007 and the time the accounts were submitted ( April 2008 ) £9.6m had been raised in player sales. Players & Staff Costs were £14.1m, excluding SLH director remuneration, which is in the SLH group accounts (I don't have those to hand). Lawrie was paid £75k p/a by SFC though. Book Value: Total Assets £14.2m Total Liabilities £16.1m Provisions £0.5m Share Capital £52,270 Net Book Value (£2.5m) SFC made a loss of £6m before player sales in 2007. The SFC accounts truly are a horror show. It's easy to see how we ended up in this mess... Clearly the business case for any purchaser is going to be contingent on promotion to a degree. With the infrastructure we have in place they will need to subsidise the operation of the club until we reach the big time again. Much will depend on the deal they can strike with Aviva over the stadium loan - this is by far the biggest millstone hanging around our collective necks. This raises a difficult question - which is better for a prospective owner, disband as much of the Saints infrastructure as possible to get the running costs down, but accept that this is likely to leave us unprepared should we gain promotion - or - potentially have to subsidise the running of the club for a long time in the hope that promotion is obtained?
  5. The important question is, did the nice lady in the white suit turn up in a police boat or a tractor?
  6. As far as I can see from Trousers' new avatar, we are being taken over by a consortium of Ally McCoist and Jasper Carrott. But keep it under your hat. You aint seen me, right?
  7. Will all the players fit inside you then? Sorry, I'll get me coat...
  8. Evo

    Kelvin Davis

    I'd pick him over Calamity James any day!!
  9. Sainsbury's is too upmarket for me. In fact so is Netto.
  10. Livingstone have had their electric cut off and could be evicted from their stadium after midnight tonight. Chairman on holiday abroad. Compared to that shambles, we're lording it!!!
  11. I personally think the Red Bull connection has less legs than this pony: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/4193282.The_pony_they_call__Shorty_/
  12. LOL How about London? One guy who I used to work with was adament that all the London clubs should be merged into one club :cool:. Strangely he was a Chelsea fan.
  13. I was beginning to believe that some smelly **** was DOS-ing the site
  14. There's no point in jumping up and down and getting agitated about things, we are where we are. Matt did what he thought was best, as it turns out this was wrong, which makes him human after all. It won't change what he did on the pitch for us, nothing can take that away. I still think he could serve in a prominent role at the club should we not fold. Sadly this whole episode probably makes this unlikely, which is our loss. While many of us have been very concerned about what's been going on behind the scenes over the last couple of weeks, I actually feel better now that it's more out in the open. Everybody now has their eyes wide open. Maybe everyone in and around the club can quit any politicking and focus on the primary objective - saving the club before it's too late.
  15. Quel surprise
  16. :confused:
  17. Good point. Real men hand craft their SQL queries though.
  18. "I reject your reality and substitute my own"
  19. I half-expected him to say "my work here is done".
  20. F**k that I've got a heroin empire to maintain.
  21. Gheysville.
  22. And Caesar's spirit, raging for revenge, With Ate by his side come hot from hell, Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war, That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial.
  23. Oh for the days when our fans tear lumps out of opposition fans/players rather than each other...
  24. Anyone seen Trousers lately? :-k
  25. Evo

    Poster"s survey

    1.9 Only had one decent scrap in my life and that was 14 years ago and involved a pikey so doesn't count. I couldn't really care what other fans get up to - that's their business surely? AND I can't believe anybody would voluntarily watch Saints sober? I know I wouldn't (not the last couple of years anyway). It's like one of my mates says, watching Saints interrupts a pleasant afternoon's drinking
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