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  1. Which neatly answers the question of why we've collectively done very little to advance any "real" aerospace barriers in the last 40 years or so. FFS, it took c. 65 years from the first powered flight by an aircraft to putting a man on the moon. They didn't worry about the impossibility of it all, they just f'ing went ahead and did it anyway. In the 40 years since, the western world has been sitting on our hands, slowly falling into a pit of introversion, cynicism and self-loathing. Concorde? The X33? How on earth can the proposed STS replacement be an advancement on the Space Shuttle? Today's can't-do attitude must be a gut reflex reaction to the can-do baby boomer generation. End of rant.
  2. There was a program on Sky called My Breasts Could Kill Me. I was most disappointed, it was not what I had in mind at all.
  3. I'm so pis*ed this thread is starting to make sense The admins can let all of us chimps post in this and then the other threads don't get mucked up with sh*t. I can think of one small problem with that though,..
  4. Evo

    DMWSL613 Limited

    Does Mark Wotte Suck Loudly? Do Mild Winters Sound Lousy? Did My Wardrobe Slip Lately? Do Mellons Want Some Light? Dry Milking While Shameful, Lovely!
  5. Sweet - we have walked the league!
  6. Have we won League 1 yet?
  7. Evo

    Red Cross

    Um, I think the key combination you're all looking for is Alt-F4. Oh and *cough* http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=365698&postcount=403 *cough*
  8. Takeover threads out !
  9. circa £2-3b, or so I've heard. Not too shabby
  10. I voted yes - short term, merely to provide continuity until ML has his exec. team in place. I would have preferred to vote for "It's Markus' club and he can appoint whoever he likes. I will back that decision 100%, though I may not necessarily like it".
  11. I've got a club to support next season. Anything more is a bonus FFS !
  12. The Swiss cross on the Saintsweb banner looks classy too Interesting? side note. The swiss flag is one of only two square national flags.
  13. What's the opposite of FFS? Well what ever it is, take that you opposite of whatever FFS is! I'll hold my hand up as one who was blubbering like a baby when I heard the confirmation. So, what the hell are we supposed to do all day now? Work? Pfffffftttt.
  14. Me! Er, me again! I always (unfairly) picture him talking like he posts. 'Teh Saints fans think...'
  15. So when Sky phone them and ask "What do Saints fans think about x" they should reply "Sorry, I am not representative of the fans. I suggest you ask each of them what they think - here are all of their phone numbers" ? I've never understood the antagonism aimed at fans talking about Saints on the telly. It's not like the TV is the font of all truth and accuracy is it...
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