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Legod Second Coming

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Everything posted by Legod Second Coming

  1. He's a Pompey fan eh?
  2. Fecking let them write us off. I love it when your back is against the wall. In the old days that WAS Southampton. Backs to the wall, low on ammo, surrounded by Indians. THAT is when you saw the real SAINTS. Let's hope that feeling of underdog spurs us on. The more peopple put us down the better. Kids love nothing more than shoving adult attitudes right up their asses!
  3. BTW what is that thumping music we use at home? Not U2, the other one sounds a bit like Fat Boy - one of you youngsters help me out!
  4. Buggeration I wish I could be there. So I've downloaded Fat Boy Slim to get me in the mood!!! Rain to make a nice skiddy pitch, let's whip the ball around and win by 5. COME OOONNNN!!!! AV IT!!!!
  5. OR wrapping a black ribbon around the team photo then, yes???!!!
  6. Define lightweight? Have you seen any pre-season Alps?? We have more fight and grit in midfield than I have seen for five years. Together with Thomas/Perry/Killer commanding from the back. Hardly featherweights? Welter maybe. So reckon you could floor Hatton??
  7. I thought a Nile Ranger prevented crocodile hunting??
  8. Well come on Alps. We got our wish. No more GB. This season could be a calamity. It could surprise us all. Even you (as I) must accept that there is little option yet but to tough it out for a few games and see where we are?? What is your preference? Losing 17points before the start of next season???
  9. Look at it this way. Your head is in the noose. The man has his hand on the trap door lever. The priest is reading your last rites. The crowd are baying for your broken neck. In that moment before death which is better? To die squealing like a pig. Or quietly and with dignity like a man?
  10. Are you a nurse?
  11. Ask the wife for a BJ. That's how confident I am we'll get done...
  12. Aha. I have found a bug!! Do I win something?
  13. You could say the same about Tiger's swing I guess then...
  14. If I can do something within my compass for you friend, let me know! Thanks.
  15. Cheer up. I used to watch when Bruce was in goal going from 2-0 to losing 6-2... how did that happen bungy er I mean Brucey...
  16. What, like having knees... yep, bet he suddenly looked down and went "Feck my legs have bent..." in Polish obviously.
  17. Can you resize an image??
  18. Nope that file is 102 x 116 it needs to be 80 x 80... lordy who invented computers eh??
  19. LOL!! Haven't heard that in a while. My own favourite? What does a mathematician with constipation do? He works it out with a pencil...
  20. To be fair he was doing fine until injury against the Toon.
  21. Right, get over there again and get me one friend. Steve McQueen is what Im after. Ideally in the Gulf outfit from 'Le Mans'...
  22. Hah Ha. I give up, I can't find a picure that small. Ive got a bloody terrabyte, 3gig of Ram and 8mb broadband FFS..!!!!!
  23. And in English friend??? LOL
  24. Come on then help an old fart add an avatar? Anyone??
  25. Welcome home double D!!! lol.
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