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Legod Second Coming

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Everything posted by Legod Second Coming

  1. That we should have gone up under Burley and had a far better squad than Derby!!! He's running 606 at err 22:37...
  2. Aye, I heard the Chairman of Boots failed to turn up to the opening of the Petersfield branch on Thursday last...
  3. Sounds like he knows what he's talking about for a change!!!
  4. What happened to all the money we gave Keith over the years... oh wait 'Asturias'... isn't that Latin for Legg...
  5. Err, lest we forget in season's past (Rotherham, Peterborough, Southend...) we would have LOST this game... Credit where it's due.
  6. Bugger, thought we would win 6...
  7. Who is playing in goal for Exeter???
  8. ******! There were many (me prime among them) who understand the value of sports-science and also believe that SCW has a contribution to make. But also are not stupid enough to put a rattle-snake in a mongoose nest and expect them to play cards...
  9. Yep, point taken. It's just that the world is full of people who went too far against all the advice because they couldn't give up their dreams. So I wouldn't bank on a footballer giving up when a small glimmer of hope remains... As I said, I'm not sure I'm sensible enough to give up on a dream.
  10. Not if you've spent your whole life wanting something so badly and the only possible downside is that you might walk with a slight limp and a little pain???
  11. Hmmm, not sure about that... If you thought you could continue your dream against advice, might you not give it a go?? I think I would and to hell with the consequences.
  12. You need to stop worrying so much. Seriously, you are more likely to die of anxiety than anyone I know. Killer knows the risks and is happy to take them. That's his call. If he fecks his knee up, he'll be able to say he risked it all for the thing he loves and unless it kills him, he'll enjoy a happy retirement not playing football and maybe coaching somewhere or managing... What will we do without him? Get by. As we would have to with any player. Seriously, lighten up for the good of your health.
  13. No but you said he was mentally lightwight and implied he had been replaced because of either that or fitness. Either of which might be true. Neither can be extrapolated from your ivory tower. And neither speaks highly of someone who recognises our position or has any patience for the team to learn and gel.
  14. Sure he is. Just like Tiger was when he started winning majors at the age of what, 20?? Just like Becker was when he won Wimbledon at 17... Or Rooney? Or Walcott when he ripped Liverpool apart last season despite his weak-mindedness... But best of all, this entire character assisination you contrive from a radio commentary and a message board. Total madness. Oh, and he maybe was substituted for tactical reasons?? Funnily enough that can happen in football... I've actually watched the kid (I know been to a game of football, bizarre, eh??) twice and he is superbly talented, calm, composed and bloody hard working, tracking back and covering, tackling. But yes, I noticed him fall into pieces when he misplaced one pass and ask for his mom to take him home... He is also, of course 'learning the game' but I have seen no lack of steel. Have you? Lordy, you did have some credibility last season Alpine. Don't become a charicature of yourself....
  15. Thank you for the excellent analysis. Worth reading and well considered. Cheers.
  16. No alps, don't contradict yourself. You have been whinging that we are too lightweight for days!!! Oh, did you notice the free-kick count - 11-13 in our favour. That bruiser enough for you?? LOL
  17. Well done Doncaster Rovers...
  18. I am not a man who says 'I told you so'...
  19. Yes, they can comment on the quality of the sand or the beer...
  20. And for the record I agree with you 100% that we should BOTH be free to exercise our passions - I actually quite like the fact that you have an opinion and are not swayed in the wind!!! I just vehemently disagree with you today and as you know it is NOT personal, ever!!
  21. Can you post this and other opinions on the thread of those who were at the game?? Ta.
  22. I can confirm (quite happily as I posted so on the build-up thread) that I was gutted not to be there today, because I was watching my younger daughter drive a Mercedes around Mercedes Benz World. And I don't accuse 'you' personally of pillorying - although your general disregard for how we might have played and assumption that we were lightwight in midfield is laughable - although for all I know the way you imagined it from commentary could be 100% accurate. But Alpine you are like a man who has seen the moon and extrapalated from that first sighting that it is a huge round football made of cheese hurtling towards earth to render us dust. When you HAVE SEEN us play a couple of games, why not THEN tell us how our season will pan out??
  23. Quite right sir. No-one likes losing, but Rome was not built in a day. And certainly not by half the Romans while the other half sat chirping away about the quality of the cement...
  24. The second bit relates to what WE do too. I love the fact that Alpine can tell me we were 'lightweight' in midfield from a handful of statistics and the comfort of his sofa... yawn. A team can have 99% possession and still not threaten. The statistic that counts is, 1-2 - from a free kick on 90 minutes given away by a kid playing what, his first competitive game?? And yet Alpine writes off our season. Quality. No-one thinks Llloyd James or Davy McG are computer literate then?? All this whailing and gnashing of teeth over a loss ot Cardiff, what's that doing for our confidence and morale as a club - because YES, WE are all this club, players and fans alike. Far as I know we've lost nothing but 3 points today. And yes we might lose every game this season and be relegated. And people who lose hair fretting over it need to get a grip and grow the feck up. I say again, we're going to be watching a lot of kids learning their trade. If it's too much like hard work to take the knocks and be a man about it, then give up supporting. I'm proud of young lads wearing a shirt I would DIE to wear. There's no Burley, no Euell, no Wright to pillory so, tell you what, let's piilory the new team shall we - in their first competitive match. Call their 'bottle' and fight into question, accuse them of being lightweght? When will people understand, THIS IS IT. Yeah?? Get it?? There's no Terry Hurlock waiting in the wings. No magic wand we can wave and buy Makele. THIS IS IT. Wake up!
  25. Thank you friend. Let's do that rather than some of the total d1cks on here who want to persist in their same attitude, as usual without getting of their fat slovenly asses and watching, and slag off a team they frankly don't deserve to be allowed to supprt. So a kid gives away a free kick in the 90th minute and the opposition score - shall we crucify the lot of them? I hate losing with a passion. HATE it. I'll kick the dog, the car, the walls. BUT not this season. Because this season is about getting behind the young lads. Picking them up when they're down, not kicking them. HARD FECKING LUCK Saints. We came close but no cigar. We dust ourselves down, work harder in training and go again next week.
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