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Everything posted by Legod Second Coming
The best thing about the game is the confidence we need to take from it and into the Birmingham game on Tuesday.
You are mad!
LOL, thank you! Will open a Becks for that one...
Lol!! If you took 'em you should take it up professionally. If you didn't, can you get into my bank account and add a few grand... (10% in it for you)...
Don't know about you but I'm going to open a packet of crisps, a can of coke and just look at the league table for a while...
Magnificent result that finally reflects the way we have been playing!!
Are you Burley?? A good match and a point?? Let's hope we stuff Derby 4-0!!!
I agree he has a plan to use more youth and puts no stock in simple high-wage earners as the basis for success. But can you blame him?? What part of last season convinced you we had a decent squad?? So far in two games I have seen more consistent and better football than we played all last year!!
Do you have any concept how much we were losing???? You've named those who contributed to probably half the overspend. Now what??
Err, yes. If we need to repay £6m and can't then we have to renegotatiate with them or go into administration. Pretty simple equation. But why do you bang on that we're losing our best players and that the decisions taken thus far have somehow deprived us of a Championship winning side?? Barclays clearly understand how our business operates and will want to give us every opportunity to operate as effectively as possible. That doesn't extend to them wanting or needing to care about the quality of the first team IF the business is telling them that it can operate effectively and meet its repayment terms, and that the quality of the first team will be sufficient to achieve this.
Lowe did go to the bank and they agreed to extend our borrowing. Which will have been on the agreement that we make every conceivable effort to balance the books. But the pure economics will dictate that you have to raise the money from somewhere. You talk as though we can sell dead-wood for mahogany money?? When Lowe returned he said we would have to make some tough decisions to stem the flow of losses. Now they're being made. The bank are supportive but not to the extent that they will want to see losses increase - and that's exactly what happens if you cannot trim the wage bill. People say "how can you bring in Schneiderlin who cost £1m?". How? Becauase his cost to the club is probably considerably less than Andrew Davies, for example. Players fees are only a fraction of what they cost us. The bigger cost is their wages!!! And no doubt Morgan is on much, much less than players we have sold. Lowe is simply acting as any Chairman would. Deliver the best possible team for the minimum cost. In our case, that means selling the high-wage earners, the most valuable assets and replacing them with players who it is believed can do an equal job for less cost. Where in this is the logic missing for people?? And why are they so keen to, say, hang onto Surman when he delivered a relegation battle? Or Skacel? Or Rasiak?? I personally rate Surman highly but the man at Barclays (if he even cares) has precious little evidence to guide him that we have a team of winners who should be spared at all costs does he??????
No, no friend, I concur with you 100%. If you booed me, it would spur me on. If you cheered me, it would spur me on. But the idea that the chanting affected his ability/opportunity to score in this game is, at best, 'optimistic'. Like I said. The guy's a striker. If Birmingham are going to score, he is the most likely to when on the pitch. In this case, he would have scored even if we had applauded him onto the pitch. Here, what I would say is the he undoubtedly enjoyed the goal more by virtue of our vocal contribution, but did it make him any more likely to score?? No. It simply might have made him 'want' to score more. And yes, he might well have tried harder as a result, as you say 'to show us'. But the ball fell to his feet two yards out. We'd have had to cut both his legs off to stop him, never mind the cheering/jeering!! So the idea that not singing about his Mrs next Tuesday will spare us a goal, even with all my belief in fan-power, it's a lot of ****!! He wants a place in the starting line-up and will be giving 100% come what may.
This is cobblers. There is a business plan and the plan will state that we must raise X amount (mainly from players sales). Lowe clearly wants that X million to be raised from sales of Euell, Skacel, etc. However, if no-one wants to buy them, then what?? Then the money has to come from someone else being sold. No?? All the bank do is review the plan and agree it or not. There probably aren't even names of players in the plan (although there might be). What there will be is: Income Expenditure And it's a case of making both match. Pretty fecking simple I would have thought?? So if we need to raise £6m, we need to raise it. Wherever it comes from. And that doesn't stop us buying players under the expenditure column. It just means selling some that we might have preferred to keep.
Alright, so not every deal works out...
Alps, I find GB even now setting his players totally below par standards. Look at his attitude to the World Cup, qualification is good enough... pah! You are right. I would like to have seen JP with the same raw material (or rather with a £7m budget) as Burley, even on only the two games I have thus far seen!
Again, you MISS the point. EVERY PLAYER is for sale. We have NO CHOICE. If we cannot sell the players we want to, we sell the players we HAVE to. I don't like it. You don't like. But it's a commercial reality. Look at Ford. Do you think they wanted to sell Jaguar/Land Rover and Aston?? No. Why did they sell them. To stay afloat!!! This is not a football discussion, this is basic economics. Our only hope is that the management team (including Lowe) can find cheaper players who are as good, if not better than those we are having to sell. It's a fecking tough ask but not impossible. I HATE it. Ask CB Fry, I would blow my last dollar on good players. But there is aboslutely no guarantee that the players we are now being forced to sell would necessarily ensure our Championship status. For a start, all the players we have thus far sold were only good enough to avoid relegation by the inability of Coventry and Leicester to score...
I can tell you, given it's on the all-weather, they will be second-rate horses running for feck all money. Look out for anything trained by Gaye Kellaway and ridden by John Egan... (hth)...
You are mental. Supakev is a great striker - always has been. There is a slender possibility he may have wanted to score more to rub ur noses in it. But he's a striker who had the ball fall at his feet, two yards out. Are you seriously suggesting, that had we not sung, the ball would have landed in the box and SKP would have been on the halfway line planning his run...??? What happened is what anyone over the age of 35 knows as 'sod's law'...
"We will go to Derby and give them a game and go for the win" says JVP. Thank GOD!!! Someone who is trying to win. Not the usual nonsense about Derby being a tough place to go, difficult opponents, must expect a hard game and will aim to be competitive... the sort of bo!!ox we were regularly served up by Burley (who btw couldn't beat ten-man Ulster on Wednesday...) So the result might be the same. At least we have someone now who thinks it's alright to talk about wanting to win. Good. Because that's what we should be aiming to do every week. Get amongst Derby early. Get the fans on their back. Put pressure on them and see whether they like it up 'em. That's what I say!!!
But this is to completely disregard the modern economics of football with or without Rupert Lowe. There are now perhaps three clubs in the world who can genuinely say that their players are not for sale. And even then, it is those players who dictate whether they do or do not stay at the club. People on here are acting as if Lowe WANTS to sell Surman and wanted to sell Davies??? Where is the evidence of that? The reality is more likely that he would have wanted to keep both! As they are young and fit the style and pattern he wishes to create. WHY we are in this financial position is now irrelevant. We are in it. And as a result EVERY player is for sale. EVERY PLAYER. What is so complex to understand. Look at it this way. You love your old Persian Rug. Adore it. But the choice is feed your kids or keep the rug... It's a frigging no-brainer.
Give him time....
I wouldn't say steamrollered myself, but we simply forgot the things that were causing Birmingham problems and also, from observation, we looked a little shell-shocked by the goal. Prime among those who need to take some flack for this are Kelvin and Killer who should have steadied the lads and maintained the strategy of playing the ball out with purpose. Instead of which for about ten minutes Kelvin reverted to type by punting it in the vague direction of the centre-circle, which was never going to work. We know goals create confidence and we missed a guilt-edged chance - 55 seconds before Birmingham equalised. If we can maintain our style and not be knocked off-stride, the omens are good. My main worry was that we would appear men against boys and from my vantage point we didn't. We did look, however, a touch naive at times and as though we couldn't quite believe how easily we could play against a very experienced side.
Is there a football manager in the world who is in control of his selection policy? What if Surman had fallen into a hole? Player availability is the reason managers exist and have to have a squad at their disposal. Losing good players is never easy but they can be unavailable for all manner of reasons. And Alpine there is no 'change of plan' over transfers. What part of Rupert explaining to you that the bank now decides our team do you not comprehend? EVERY player in our squad is for sale.
Man who speaks English as second language makes blunder shocker... (and that's just Alpine)...