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Legod Second Coming

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Everything posted by Legod Second Coming

  1. FOUL. That is Chinese. Brinjal your things, you're off....
  2. Balti hell, you lot are terrible...
  3. I'm sick of people trying to curry favour for him.
  4. Numpty,Cam, is a term of endearment! If I wanted to be infantile I would have plumped for something like... doesn't matter... my apologies if I offended your sensitivities. You're right, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just like people are entitled to believe the moon is made of Gorgonzola for all I care. But the mindset on here betrays a lack of people applying logic and common sense to recent results. That's great when we're winning. But when we hit our first rocky patch, watch as the crowds drop again and the knives come out. As for the Sun, yes they simply reflect the facile, celeb-hungry society which depresses me far beyond any performance I have ever seen on a football pitch! But once, it was the duty of the media to report the news and set standards or belief and behaviour not simply to appeal to the lowest common denominator... What people often fail to see is the way the media build up their heroes in false accord, simply waiting to hammer them at the first sign of failure. This is how they create demand for their papers. I bet right now they're going through Chris Hoy's bins just praying that he might have had dinner with an old girlfriend, or maybe that he's in the closet... It's pathetic. And what galls me is that so many posters' opinions of the team (OUR team) will be based 5% on what people actually see and consider on the pitch, and 95% on their own inert desire for success or failure, or attitude towars the Chairman. Those of us who watched us play Celtic, West Ham and Birmingham (I) could tell you these were good lads, trying good things with a good manager behind them. But they WILL lose and when they do I hope people remember that!
  5. No, no. Couldn't we have an alternative like in the old days when someone typed 'scummer'... Any ideas?? I'll start: "Cheese Rolling Toff"...
  6. Funny, in his testimonial programme he states categorically that he ever earned more than 4k per week and went to see Ferguson several times about a move to Machester United but alway ended up opening a bottle of red and both of them forgetting why they were there!!
  7. No you numpty. What am I saying is stop behaving like the moronic gutter press that now dominates English life. For the past three weeks this messageboard has read like the Sun: "We're doomed, relegation awaits, sack the board" "We're world beaters, we're going to the win the league, Jan is the next Fergie..." Well neither of these extremes bares any relation to reality. But thankfully between the bleating is an occasional shepherd...
  8. You jest, but I wouldn't be on betfair betting against it friend...
  9. Aye, but in racing parlons they are 'novices'. The fact they are 20 is neither here nor there - they haven't seen the fences yet!! And yes, they've bolted up at Chepstow, but Cheltenham and Aintree with stiff fences and a roaring crowd and a howling gale is a different story.... Like many on here - I seriously believe that we should target the top. But there will be slip-ups and it is VITAL we do not turn on the players and create the type of scapegoat we have had in seasons past because of our inate need to BLAME someone. Things will go wrong, things will go right. But throughout, WE control how WE feel about it. So my plea is purely that if Blackpool fluke a 90th minute winner after we have hit the post ten times, had a man sent off in error, whatever, we retain a LONG-TERM view. These are indeed exciting times. But many's the slip twixt cup and lip... Calm serenity on the outside, glowing with pride inside.
  10. If you fill the ground, there WILL be Yorkies. I have it on good authority...
  11. Yes, Yorkies are BACK!! You see, Lowe haters, this is the power of the man!!!!
  12. while Mick has a punctured lung and all...
  13. Nice analogy. And when they hit the ground, it's us - the hardened old hawks and owls - who need to come down, pick them up and prepare them to fly again!! (Not sh!t on them from a great height you pigeons - you know who you are!!)
  14. Trust me, I even enjoyed the losses!! But the feckless football fan who a fortnight ago was preparing for relegation is now preparing for promotion. Our lads have won two games and are playing inspired football. If by some misfortune of refereeing or bad luck we lose to Blackpool, let's take it on the chin and chalk it up to education and experience. And if we win, let's treat triumph and disaster just the same, and be a bit more manly about it... There's no harm dreaming and aspiring, but there is harm in lumping pressure on young shoulders to deliver it.
  15. I cannot help thinking that around the corner is a defeat. Because our young lads ARE still learning. Do bear this in mind before you start booking hotel rooms in Manchester, Liverpool, North London, Gateshead... And stick with them through good times and bad, until the former outnumber the latter. I'll still dream of going unbeaten for the rest of the season, Champions by March. But these are green shoots, not marigolds or lillies just yet...
  16. I have a simple question for you John. Did you go to Cardiff in May 2003?
  17. LOL - it doesn't take much for Saints to find the glass 4/5 full does it....
  18. Me neither given that you have to be amputated at the knee to sit in a seat!! Fecking typical, club gets a massive injection of cash - club raises ticket prices!! One of my good mates is paying out more than £400 MORE this year than last for three season tickets (his, daughters and old man's) - thats a bloody disgrace given that they've achieved nothing yet! And usual story, the loyaly fans are being priced out now that there's a sniff of glory... Why is football so sh!t in its regard for those people who have kept their clubs afloat??
  19. Hmm, Rupert Lowe in shy, retiring attitude shocker... I wonder...
  20. Can I congratulate you on using 'discord'. I like responses which improve the vocabulary of the messageboard classes. With regards to your specific circumstances, what the hell possessed you to live in Cheshire and not the glorious Hampshire countryside where I would expect to find someone who used the word 'discord'?? I mean, Beaulieu and Lymington are right posh you know...!!!
  21. If those fans who claim to be boycotting Lowe do not attend, he will say, "I told you I had to cut my cloth accordingly" and by not going they will actually be giving him all the evidence he needs to trim this club to the bone. Should we fill the ground every week, then there is ample opportunity to call him to account and less wriggle room for him to justify cost-cutting decisions based on a lack of supporter income. So by boycotting, all that happens is you strengthen Rupert's hold on the club... Which is madness. And like MOG says, this is MY club. Not Lowe's. And with any luck I'll outlive him by some margin (purely on genetic/age statistics, mind, not be virtue of any contract or anything...)
  22. No that was just bad translation. He actually said: "watched by 10000, critiqued on a messagebaord by 20000 who are too lazy or stupid to go and watch..." HTH
  23. !. My whole life we've sold our best players. 2. Did those fans feel so strongly they stayed away from a Cup Final? 3. Just wait until we draw a glamour club in a Cup competition and then see how principled these 'Lowe stay-aways' are... And I don't like the man either. But I do support my 'club' not those who run it who I didn't used to even know the names of.
  24. Why was he happy to accept it? Why not?? If your boss offered you a choice to be great at your job or good as a basis to judge you, which would you choose?? On one you can but fail, on the other you have the opportunity to over-exceed. He should not have been given the choice.
  25. On that I disagree. My point is more that GB was allowed/was set a minimal target. Targets are like destinations on a journey and if you know what your end target is, then you set appropriate 'way-points' or milestones. In Burley's case, he SHOULD have been asked to set a goal of automatic promotion and then work backwards. Had he been, perhaps he would have set more stretching objectives for his players, chalked off points at a faster pace, etc. I just find it totally odd in this country that we accept someone can be set a target to be SIXTH best... mind boggling. I bet there are kids across America and Australia today whose parents are pushing them to be the 6th best at what they do... NOT...
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