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Saint Lindford

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Everything posted by Saint Lindford

  1. No he won't.
  2. Why would Fry be keen to encourage the 'foreign option'? It would have to be a very good package (does he even know what it is yet?) to beat the Pinnacle one which was deemed to be good for the creditors and also for the long term future of the football club (something that is paramount in most of our minds). I hope Mr Fry is not playing Russian Roulette with our club. The clock is ticking and I hope that it is not attached to a very large bomb.
  3. As far as I am aware they (Pinnacle) are still talking and remain confident of something coming to fruition, exactly when is anyone's guess.
  4. Your figures are way off the mark.
  5. Work???? I am in Rome airport waiting for flight home. Was hoping to find good news re takeover, all I have found is same old stuff..... Aaggghhh when will it all end?
  6. Things have changed since our chat then???
  7. We will have a bigger name than Coppell
  8. Bound to happen as I am off to Rome tomorrow for long weekend. Come back on Monday to new owners and a very bright future,,,,, UTS
  9. Didn't know him. Very sad news indeed. RiP to a fellow Saint.
  10. Nothing to see or hear today, move along please.
  11. Think the words were 'no firm offers'. Implication as far as I am concerned is that bids have been made but that is as far as it has gone so far. There should be news of preferred bidder within the next 48 hours.
  12. Frank, this one is different. I trust what has been said by NSS above and what he has told me. I do not think he would said what he has said if he did not believe it 100% and he has no axe to grind or a personal agenda on here. COYR
  13. Pinnacle bid is in, there are 3 bids in apparently
  14. Coventry had nothing at the time and still have nothing. Yes they are in a league above us but I do not think the deal they were offering us was good enough, time will tell if it was the right decision when our new investment happens. The long term future is the most important thing not just to throw a bit of money in, as SISU have at Coventry, and settle for that.
  15. I have been led to believe that Pinnacle and the group they are dealing with could well be talking to the administrators today having tabled a bid last night. Time will tell if this is true.
  16. Redknapp not involved. Souness not involved with the London Consortium
  17. Interesting, heard yesterday of a London Consortium who are being advised by a person who has very close links to MLT. Money ready to go and have some interesting ideas.
  18. Weston, one of the two I assume is the London one?
  19. And I have no respect for the people who claim to be Saints fans for doing what they did today. I hope all was caught on CCTV and the mindless idiots are arrested, fined and banned from SMS for life. THEY ARE SCUM
  20. All tickets sold from the first allocation. Club have requested second allocation but Forest won't release until after the weekend.
  21. To many who were willing to cut their nose off to spite their face and not attend SMS whislt a certain person was in the board room. Surely no coincidence that the crowds have been 27,000 and 23,000 since the announcement. Whislt we would still have financial problems at least they would (probably) not be as potentially terminal as they are at the moment.
  22. Yep I surely was, sat in the Chapel as usual. Thanks for spotting me!!!
  23. Nearly as pathetic as the blue few who have a facebook page dedicated to a party for our relegation.
  24. Over 2500 went, it was the biggest away following they have ever had and that included visits from Liverpool and Rangers. Stadium made Fratton Park look modern....... great day!!
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