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Saint Lindford

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Everything posted by Saint Lindford

  1. I do think we can stay up. We have a run of very winnable games coming up and IF we can get 2 or 3 wins then the confidence comes back. Look at the performances against City, Utd and the 2nd half performances against Vile and spuds and there is a good team there somewhere. We have the ability within the club to finish above QPR, Dreading, Norwich and Wigan at least. Blunderland can't score goals atm (only 6 so far) so they have problems, the same could be said of Vile. At least we are scoring goals, there are only 6 teams who have scored more than us so far this season. Keep the faith, sacking NA is seen by some, maybe a lot, of fans as the way forward but I honestly think that it could be a backward step. We need stability as a club not upheaval yet again, look where 11 managers in 6 years got us!
  2. And alot to do with Dreading bottling it! Their defense at times made ours look world class.
  3. Love this quote from UnAppy. “But the other side of it is that if he goes back, is he going to get used? They certainly don’t want to do us any favours, do they? And why should they you cock!!
  4. From a Sheffield paper interviewing Jon Harley: http://www.thestar.co.uk/sport/football ... -1-5072238 Excerpts from the article: “Basically, despite everything that was going on, we were all just proud to play for this club." “I think we’ve been able to get a lot of really top lads in purely because it’s Portsmouth,” Harley said. "Portsmouth and Sheffield United are two of the biggest, probably the biggest, names in the division,” Harley, who left South Yorkshire seven years ago, said.
  5. Boruc reacted to something said from the crowd, started motioning to people he then threw his water bottle towards the crowd - that alone should be condemed. He then continued to sarcastcily clap the fans - bit of a ***** if you ask me. If it had been a fan throwing a bottle onto the pitch in the direction of players they would be hounded and if found banned. Boruc needs to wise up quicky, and I echo the point made above about why Gazza was dropped. Boruc for me is no better.
  6. The PST business plan that was quoted for the PCC loan stated that there will be a provision of £350,000 for player purchase and any further costs would have to come from player sales. It also stated that the average salary would be £2,240 per week........ ummm long way off that atm.
  7. They really do believe their own hype. Talking about last nights game. "The away support was excellent. We sold all of our allocation and I don't think their home support had seen or heard anything like it! Crowd of 4,000, so over 3,000 of them - really?! They also had a drummer who tapped lightly once or twice. But no, they were useless. Even after a "2-1 and you still don't sing" - they still didn't sing. It really did feel like more of a home game from the atmosphere. Really? I wonder why, could it be the size of the ground or the number of empty seats?
  8. THIS Yes NA is under pressure, there are maybe 2 or 3 managers in the whole PL who are NOT under pressure for one reason or another. Wasn't the club's 5 year plan as described by Cortese to be in the PL within 4 years to build on stability. Well we have achieved one of the goals early and to not achieve the other would be madness IMHO.
  9. Couple of things from Mr Hall's latest. 1. The decision was made by PKF to allow the PST to be 'preferred bidders' nothing to do with the FL (or have I got that wrong) 2. What can Portpin win? They won't now be the owners of Portsmouth Football Club, that much is clear. Why is it clear? The only thing that is clear is that CURRENTLY the PST are the preferred bidders nothing else! 3. The Football League has finally given them the message that there are simply too many obstacles in the way of them rejoining the football family. Have they?? He goes on to talk about the valuation of Fatpipe Park and how he perceives a court case to be a mere formality for the PST and it would be 'the most bizarre decision they (Portpin) have ever made with regard to Pompey'..... REALLY?? "costs of such an action for both sides would probably top out at £400k - and Portpin would be paying those costs if and when they lost". And on the flip side the PST would be totally screwed if it went the other way. Counting and chickens comes to mind.
  10. Ah the great Saints points system that is as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
  11. But The Trust bid is fully funded and costed for the next 3 – 5 years!!! All eventuallities are 'accounted' for, what can go wrong? Well having to pay the already agreed £8m to former heroes (when they only want to pay a fraction of that) and the costs of the potential court case over Fatpipe Park.
  12. This from someone 'close' to the bid. "The property developer element allows the Trust to restructure their finance plan as the £2.75m offer to Portpin for the debenture is taken on by the PD instead nor will it mean the Trust having to borrow from the council. A deal has been put in place to purchase all the land which allows development to take place". "Portpin's valuation and multiple independent valuations of Fratton Park are disparate. Its not meeting Portpin's valuation of the ground that matter but getting to the point of being the preferred purchaser to enable a reasonable purchase of the ground using the power of the court to decide a fair value. You need to understand that point to understand the bid". And on potential court case "The Trust and their partner will have a value that they are willing to go to. If the fair value is more than that figure then the Trust will walk away. They are all about financial responsibility because they take their legal duties seriously". S****horpe's cup final tomorrow http://www.portsmouthfc.co.uk/LatestNews/home/Shrewsbury-Ticket-Information-3811.aspx Fans are urged to buy tickets in advance for Pompey’s League One clash with Shrewsbury on Saturday. The club are anticipating a large volume of supporters to pay on the day and queues could be long. More than 10,500 tickets have already been sold for the 3pm kick-off.
  13. I can see your tongue planted firmly in your cheek!!
  14. According to notloB fans UnAppy has been interviewed. http://www.the-wanderer.co.uk/boards/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24003&start=420
  15. It really has turned into a joke of a system. I too asked the ticket office a while back where on my online account I could see how many points I have, you can't was the reply. Well that is helpful..... The only way as has been said above is to do it your self via your order history and adding up the points you have gained. Again, as has been stated above it is a pointless exercise as the Ticket Office is stating the game you have to have been to to get a ticket. So despite being a ST holder I face the prospect of not being able to go to some away games as I was unable to get to the first few, thought the points system was going to be fair......... ummm might well be if it worked.
  16. He is now starting to emulate Clotterill in the delusional stakes.
  17. More 'free tickets, this time it is hidden as being part of the £30,000 the Phew won by promoting an Energy company. http://www.portsmouthfc.co.uk/LatestNews/latest-news/Free-Tickets-For-Schools-3765.aspx So given their last home crowd drew a massive 10,000 the gate on Saturday should be up over 13,000.
  18. So its a gutsy draw having led 2-0 and missed a penalty. Wycombe go to Fortress Fatpipes in their cup final then. Sure Adams Park is a better ground anyway.
  19. NO. Just where do people think we would be after the 7 games we have had?? Given that we have played City, Arsenal and Everton away and United, Wigan, Villa and Fulham at home we are, by my pre season reckoning, 3pts worse off than where I thought we would be. That is down purely to the Wigan game. Apart from the poor first half at Arsenal and the 20 mins at Everton we have not been played off the park by anyone. Just remember the performances against City and United, that is how far this team has come under NA in a very short space of time. That is the same United team that pretty much dominated Newcastle at St James Park on Sunday. We need an ugly 1-0 win to get the confidence levels up in the back 4, and be able to play the same back 4 regularly something which due to injuries we have not been able to do so far I think. Some of the 'newer' fans around where I sit in the Chapel do beggar belief with the negative comments made on Sunday. I do question where they were on cold November nights as some of the players who played on Sunday were playing the likes of Dagenham & Redbridge in League 1? Compare our start to that of Wet Spam, they are 2pts better off than us on games played against Villa and Fulham, with more luck we would be level. Look at their other games and I am sure we would have gained a similar amount of points if not more. Some people need to have a reality check. We are where we are on merit over the last 2 seasons, we have NO devine right to be here. The players and manager are good enough to be here, they have shown that in performances so far this season. IF over the course of a 38 game season the points gained are not enough to stay up then we will be where we (at that time) belong. To think about sacking a manager after 7 games is just madness, IMHO.
  20. From one of the Phew So far we have them loaning from the BVI Work stopped on their TG And today all Programme Sellers sacked. All happening within a short space of time......... We can all make of it what we will, my take is the Liebherrs have shut the revenue streams and are about to bin them. Is that the sound of clutching straws on Myth Island.
  21. Intersting IF true. http://www.loantalk.co.uk/pritchard_s_piece
  22. Seem the investigative journalist of the year is a little rattled. Neil Allen ‏@pn_neil_allen My, my, dirty war becomes dirtier. Now attempts to discredit me claiming I've been offered a Trust job. Grubby and malicious lies. #Pompey
  23. It seems that Tricky Trev has and I quote from one of the Blue Phew 'Trevor Birch had been taken out of the loop by PKF 10 days ago'. Could it be someone has rumbled his cunning plan of creating deadlines and then moving them so he can rack up £M's of charges - surely not??
  24. Nope he did not lose control, players time wasting, kicking the ball away, taking off their shirt, gobbing off at the referee, pulling back an opponent and then there were the fouls. So no, Clattenburg did well I thought with a bunch of idiots purporting to be professional footballers
  25. Just what 'home grown talent' do they think they will have. Anyone half decent will have been snapped up by us or Brighton as we can offer far better facilities than some council park full of dog sh1t!
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