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Everything posted by ZepSaint

  1. Thats not all I'd take off .........................
  2. Gentlemen, I give you :- http://static.bbci.co.uk/programmeimages/528xn/images/live/p00qsrrf.jpg
  3. Have to say, think I side with Spudders on this one !
  4. I wouldn't, even I don't like going there !
  5. Erm, can I change ,my choice of words or do I have to take that double gayness test now ?
  6. Think I'll beat you in THAT race !
  7. Must say, not a bad subject to start my first ever thread on ! Lol
  8. I'll give you Susanna Reid (even though the photos are fake) :-) and raise you :- http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/5669/wwwtasmintvface3cr7.jpg who is http://tasmin.tv/ and http://i.prphotos.com/mas_assets/full/3371/AGM-013371.jpg who ain't British, but what the hell :-) https://twitter.com/biannagolodryga
  9. http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6114/6339169959_07c14e07c3_z.jpg I know I would http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/04_02/oatley_468x712.jpg
  10. OMG, I think I've just had a crisis ! What do you reckon the chances of getting a job as a judge are ? Would you get on the job training ? Need hands on experience ?
  11. For Gazza some of Kenny Everett's God fearing gloves :-http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/galleries/p00z3yf9 For SHTEEEEEEVVVEEEE a ticket to use one of these :- http://www.farebuzz.com/i/alnv/klm_airlines.jpg And an extra one for the wet fannies amongst us this season :- http://www.savagechickens.com/images/chickenpatience.jpg and http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1PfUsIn_r34/TjZFozlPfUI/AAAAAAAADIg/RaLZTCn19Fs/s1600/patience.gif
  12. Lets keep playing guys, seems we could take over if NA ever goes ! :-) (Not that I want him to ofc) http://www.metro.co.uk/sport/oddballs/918759-baku-fc-name-21-year-old-as-manager-based-on-computer-game-experience
  13. An iboard is something you flatten eyes out on, obvious innit. Its the sort of thing this weird bird would probably like !
  14. See, problem here is if you were I bord I could start orderin' you about. Wash this, clean that, suck this. But as you ain't, I'm not gonna.
  15. I'm sure a man of your obvious specialities will get to the root of the issue
  16. Apparently, this Uni student (who's never been ****ed or kissed) is a fat one according to Bearsy's very exact review, sort of like a 20year old roly-poly
  17. Tru, praps he could use other stuff he bought in her hardware store to build a coffin ..................could even leave a peephole in it for post burial activities ......
  18. Not sure I'd start banging a bird who can't tell the difference between a bird of prey and a tool for cutting wood though, would you ?
  19. This is a mental review ! Bearsy, you sure you've never been on The South Bank with this level of understanding ?
  20. First time I've been called a human in feckin' ages ! :-) Lovin' the review though
  21. I think we should all donate money to keep Bearsy in a good supply of KleenexTM whilst he undertakes this task on behalf of all of us. Would hate him to run out just as a boning comes into view ................. We could call it Bearsys Boning Fund or sommat:nod:
  22. I'm presuming you mean me here ! And no, still waiting for Bearsy to tell us how he did it. By God though, he's doing a fantastic job on 50 Shades, keep it up Bearsy ! ( I know that ain't gonna be too much of a problem for you )
  23. Ahem, I'm not a maths teacher you know !
  24. Gentlemen I give you http://www.syfy.com/alphas With :- http://www.nexttopwomen.com/2011/07/profiles-azita-ghanizada-afghan.html
  25. You now need to pay for a new screen and keyboard as I just spurted coffee all over mine ! :-) And thats ALL I spurted, thank you very much.
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