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Everything posted by ZepSaint

  1. How come Sweden come near the top of this schlong-o-meter but the country's shaped like a brewers droop ?
  2. Nah, think you're confused there. It wasn't his mouth ...........................
  3. Can you display the pic of the tennis bird scratching her arse ?
  4. Ahem ..........................do you bloody well mind ! Actually, now I come to think of it perhaps you're right ....................
  5. Don't let yer bird kneel down, she's welcome to stand up though ?
  6. Some sort of escape plan for lovers of glory holes ?
  7. Remove all fruit based waste yourself AFTER taking a dump ?
  8. Something like telling you where to put your car if you think that Al Jolson was the height of class ? Or a congregation area for fans of Bernard Manning ?
  9. Ohhh, I like this one ...........................:-)
  10. Thanks guys ! lol She does look like she could do with a good meal doesn't she ..............
  11. I feel a need to research so I don't make any mistakes ........................can't seem to find the thread though ?
  12. I think this might be stretching it a bit far for credence, the same Jennifer Sterger as before ....... http://www.jennifersterger.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/jenn-sterger-lingerie.jpg Will I get an infraction point for porn ? Work safe btw ...................
  13. Dare I ask how you know ? Do tell .........................
  14. Oh she's nice ......................but somehow I don't think thats her in the link !
  15. Gentlemen, we may have a winner:- http://jennifersterger.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/jenn-sterger11.jpg
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ines_Sainz.jpg
  17. Ah, the critical thing now is weather girl or newsreader ?
  18. Tell you what Spudders, you start it and I'll contribute, how's that ?
  19. I think if we're going weather girls we have to widen the search .................. http://www.snegidhi.com/2010/114-25-09/Angie_Gonzalez_02.jpg Finland apparently :-)
  20. I am the only to try and take a sneeky peek at Susanna Reid in the same way ?
  21. Not sure its her in the 6th picture here :- http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Laura+Tobin&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a Lol
  22. Take yourself outside and have a word will ya !
  23. YouTube, that paragon of virtue and accuracy .............................:-) Almost like Wikipedia !
  24. Its something about the way the legs get crossed in my opinion ...........................
  25. Well, wouldn't you ? Even if it ISN'T her ......................
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