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Everything posted by ZepSaint

  1. You ever had complaints about people not getting their monies worth from you before Tokes ? Think we need to know more .................
  2. Does she get the hump with you ? Don't worry about getting my coat ........................all sorted ............
  3. Should mean there's plenty of time for the goat and friends afterwards then !
  4. You doing your own goat/PM/golfy porn movie then DP ? Does Dave get his balls out, put them on a tee and the goat go for it ? Is Bearsy jealous of the goat ? Or the PM ? Think we need to know !
  5. Hope you don't mean Call Me Dave Cameron ! Think thats a bit too much !
  6. Well there you go ..........a completely unsolicited recommendation ! I know Gary was ALWAYS busy ...................which is a good thing ................if they could get to you straight away you'd have to ask how good they were wouldn't you ! If you see Gary say Paul at No.19 says Hello ! :-)
  7. My ex-neighbour was called Gary .............never knew his surname though ! I did know however that he DID run it with some-one else ..................perhaps that was your Uncle ?
  8. http://www.solentfiresafetyservices.co.uk Ex-neighbour of mine ................fantastic bloke ................ Really good service as well :-)
  9. Thankyou !
  10. Can I have a new monitor please - coffee seems to have erupted out of my mouth and gone all over the one I was using ..................:-) :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  11. For about the 4th or 5th time :- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Hobb#The_Farseer_Trilogy
  12. Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes - Live At The Greek Sh1t amateur recording - but hey ho :-)
  13. Erm, no ........I don't think so ...............more like 770k ?
  14. Gentlemen, I present one Stephanie Seymour for your delictation and delight...............
  15. The standard of prose on this board is getting quite stupendous ! Congratulations on the best one yet !
  16. Still worth a though ...................
  17. Insane Genius ! Think it's time for some of this ....................
  18. Oh I agree .........it's just been so long since I've seen or read it, thats all :-)
  19. Isn't this fun and amusement more like derision and shame ?
  20. Ah, but that would be far too close to appreciating our smelly friends from the East .............
  21. I wish I was that intelligent !
  22. 42 Unfortunately, buy my memories ****e !
  23. Own up ....................who else here had to Google what the feck a Vogon was ? :-)
  24. Thats what I was hoping for tbh, but I never received one ! All I got offerred when cancelling was £5 off their standard HD subscription (still more expensive than Virgin) and one other v v small discount off of something or other (can't remember what now !) Will hope they offer something better in 18 months when the Virgin subscription is up ! :-)
  25. Tivo is VERY weird when compared to Sky, was with Sky for years until 2 weeks ago ....... Having said that, the broadband is fookin' excellent, phone is (well a phone, nowt different really) and TV is ok, quite good actually. The menu system is taking a heck of a lot of getting used to ..................and I don't like the planner/ recording bit especially, but I think I'd take Virgin over Sky if given the choice again. Whatever you do, don't phone their customer services though ................... http://www.traceymcnee.com/artists/images/henry/web/blind_leading_the_blind_large.jpg
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