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Everything posted by ZepSaint

  1. Ah well ..............anyway ! :-)
  2. Perhaps he's not actually banned, but is otherwise engaged Tokes ?
  3. Just booked this in Poole for 11 bloody £'s only ! :-) http://www.thetemperancemovement.com/live.html Haven't been so psyched about a gig for ages !
  4. Can't decide which one of these is you Tokes ..............
  5. You mean nothing that a little drop of cyanide each morning in their coffee couldn't cure ?
  6. Personally think he should be shot ...................or forced to go to watch a complete re-run of Boyzone hits ............... Not sure which is worse really ...............
  7. What the hell, thats good enough for me !
  8. Not really a Cross, more of a 'Y' shape ................but acceptable non-theless ?
  9. This the right sort of buns ?
  10. ] You seem to be whoring yourself over every flippin' thread to find a nemesis Cap me ol' mucker Don't look in my direction though .....
  11. I got forced into parting with my money by Bearsy .............. Just to find out what happened with a threesome I really don't think he ever had !
  12. Thanks for that !!!!
  13. She bloody well does doesn't she ..............
  14. Wowzers ....................not the sort of film career her Dad wanted.....................lol
  15. Rule number 1 I think ......... Proof needed ...................:-)
  16. That has no place on a thread such as this !!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Well, wouldn't you for Gods sake !
  18. Is that Tokes' fault :-)
  19. Now come on Bearsy ........................not quite the contribution on this thread I expected from you ! Poor show. Hopefully DP or Tokes will come on and save your blushes ........................:-)
  20. Thought that after a bloomin' good result on the 'moan' board today we could celebrate as the Official Muppet Show normally would ................. Gentlemen I give you :- India Waters, Daughter of Roger Waters from Pink Floyd ..........
  21. Anyone know of any demo's or downloads available for PC ? Everything I've seen says they aren't doing one .................
  22. You missed the second and clinching verse ................. When the twitch afflicted come to the sea And both make merry on the green Then shall the Red be victorious 'gainst their foe
  23. I presume this isn't the normal sort of camel toe we should be interested in ?
  24. Reckon he's a bit busy at the moment ..................
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