So, so sorry guys for not replying, bit difficult to do with your Boss looking over your shoulder ! Part of the problem me-thinks ...................(oops, sorry again for the dots Pap, will try and stop ...................) damn, there I go again.
Can't remember what the feck my other post was about, something to do with moaning old bed-wetting gits I should think.
Unwanted houseguest, do two rabbits I'd rather cook than feed count ? Can I use the The Bearsy MethodTM with rabbits ? Or do bears just use rabbits to wipe their arses with in the woods ?
Can't bring myself to make jokes at Tokyo's expense as a former lurker, let people take the rise out of me first then I can think of something to come back with (will probably be a looooong wait).
Would RANDOM font changes get me further through the The Bearsy MethodTM quicker ?
And Pap, surely its better to lurk in the changing room NEXT to another one when in Selfridges ? That way you'r in private and can amuse yourself to your schlongs content
So a mate of mine said
Think thats enough for now, all crapped out from typing, not used to it see as a lurker, hands are used to doing something else entirely