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Everything posted by STEVEADAMS

  1. Saints fans at Moo Moo Broadbeach.
  2. Will be there with Matt to show our respects.
  3. Great post and hello from the Gold Coast.
  4. RIP Markus, you will always be in our thoughts. You will be there with us on our journey, thankyou for your passion and vision for this amazing club.
  5. Going well, some people are never happy and have already forgotten the agony we have been through the last few years. The club is now heading in the right direction it would seem, in all areas with some great investment down to Cortese. I like his ambition and drive for the club to progress quickly.
  6. Arsenal and Le Tissier that is !!. 3 -2 and the story that was meant to be. A fine send off for the Dell.
  7. Second that.
  8. absolutely hilarious !!!.
  9. just voted come on Matty!.
  10. spot on
  11. Thanks for the info, but will buy mine at the club i think we owe Mr Liebherr etc a bit of support. Plus will only benefit the club.
  12. No email for me either, would like to hear Solent again though.
  13. Very emotional, reminds us all why we love this club so much. COYR
  14. I wish i could be with you all, fill the stadium guys and enjoy the beginiing of a new era of this great club. COYR.
  15. Totally agree the season was turning into a nightmare and the whole DJ saga never seemed to have an end, i was really worried and action had to be taken albiet i thought it should of happened sooner. That said i liked DJ and what he had to go through was terrible.
  16. Let him go, hes not the player he thinks he is. After the effort and result of last season who does he think he is. Adam you helped relegate SFC!!!!!. Show some respect FFS and get down to the real business of righting last seasons wrong.
  17. 1.30am in Australia and i cant sleep worrying about a football club the other side of the planet. This club must be saved. COYR.
  18. Dodd gave years of great service to our club and always will be a saint through and through.
  19. Have just got back to Australia from LA but may be back soon.
  20. Completely agree here they should be buying the lot or nothing. The stadium is SFC.
  21. stupid question and all we should be thinking about is safety and positive thinking.
  22. We should have moved and it should have been to the Eastleigh site with endless ways of producing income i.e close to airport, hotel, commercial, leisure and sports etc. Ultimately i believe the council HCC let us down refusing to sell the playing fields or sell with many clauses but then as i recall putting them on the market shortly after we pulled out. We needed St Marys desperately it was our only option at the time for a new stadium and our income doubled when we moved, what we didn't need was the bad management on the footballing side (stating the obvious). The SMS site/area needs more than just a stadium.
  23. Happy Birthday Matt.
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