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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. Does anyone know if we still have any sell on rights to these young ex Saints players?
  2. Moyes has been trying to get Everton above Man United in the league for years, He finally managed to do it the other night.
  3. We train most of them anyway. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/StMarys/0,,10280,00.html
  4. I’m more worried about NC. If he gets fed up with it all (he’s already thrown his toys out the pram a few times) and decides to go back to banking that he knows well and is good at, will ML still want to own us and put someone else in the top job.
  5. The thing is it may be nice to win week in and week out but why do you think everyone is looking forward to Leeds so much. It’s to test us and see how good we really are. Although it’s nice to win against the lower teams it’s far nicer to win against the top teams. Also it good to look forward to the transfer window to see who the next star is we have signed. If we stayed in this league and kept winning there would be no point signing more players.
  6. It’s not the first time something like this has happened. Echo staff can come on very friendly to SFC staff to try and get info from them. Staff are warned about friendly members of the press.
  7. It may not be as black and white as that. Maybe NC has someone in mind but they still have 12 months to run on their current contract.
  8. Just the sort of luck Saints seem to get all the time.
  9. I could be wrong but I thought that the Swiss did their DD while Lowe was in power. Hence Lowe hung on as long as he could hoping the Swiss would come forward with an offer. For whatever reason things went quiet (probably just studding the figures) so Lowe (with Barclays help) had no choice but to put us into administration. Unfortunately Pinacle beat the Swiss to exclusivity by an hour or two, but when the Pinacle bid fell through it didn’t take as long as it might have done for the Swiss to make an offer, because they have already done their DD.
  10. FF, Good post, nice to see that someone is brave enough to tackle this subject. I don’t know how much you know about this but by your post I would think that you know a lot more of the more disturbing things that went on / were planed. Please keep digging and fighting to release the truth. I wish I could help you but it would not be a good idea.
  11. A great man. A sad loss for football.
  12. Eyes. Despite you being “One Of Them” I quite like you
  13. If we are to do anything in this league then we need to toughen up else we are going to get kicked off the park. We need some players like Vinny Jones, Jim Holten, Norman Hunter or even dare I say Nigel Pearson. Players that could break your legs with just one look.
  14. Totally agree. AP has said we need to get into winning ways and so has asked for our help in supporting the team. How is he to feel if the fans let him down first time around.
  15. I totally agree with the club to cut back on free tickets for some people. Although I have nothing against them, a lot have been very good for the club and done work for free but these people do have money and could easily afford to buy their own tickets. The tickets that the club were giving away to these people could go to youngsters and families that may not be able to afford tickets.
  16. Imo. I have never had a problem with Lawrie. I have met him several times always been a complete gent and had a laugh with him. He was great for the club and rightly will go down in history as a great manager. I think some people had a small problem with him when the club fell out of the premiership and started to feel the pinch money wise. At this time there were still several Directors and others taking money out of the club which we could not afford. Now we have our new owners and money may not be so tight I’m more than happy to have Lawrie back onboard again to help the club.
  17. I'm told it’s all signed up but it can't be released until Friday because the fans won't believe it unless it happens on a Friday.
  18. Plums in Trousers box?
  19. A very good question. Prehaps the best person on here to answer this would be Mr. Lynham. IMHO.
  20. Because I’m limited to three posts a day I will have to combine to thing that I would like to say in one post. Sorry. 1. I believe that most (but not all) people (some call the ITK) come on this forum to talk about saints and share with others what the have heard and what they think. This is great, freedom of speech and all that, but things can change very quickly and some info is fed to certain people incorrectly just to find out where the leaks are coming from. Please don’t shoot the messengers in all cases but this forum has made an ass out of more than one in the past. 2. It’s not just a case of raising the money to buy the club. Legal paperwork must be done to transfer the ownership to the new people. Also, History must be checked very carefully to make sure that no paper bags have been handed over in the past as the new owners could be liable for what previous directors have done and have their name/club investigated.
  21. Yes agreed, but not all the time it was a PLC.
  22. Can the admins tell us why they found the need to pull FF's thread please.
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernesto_Bertarelli
  24. I understand MF has been told that if the Swiss make an offer it will be considerably less that what Pinnacle had offered. Not because they can’t afford it but because they are professionals and they only do business on their terms
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