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AshValeSaint's Achievements

  1. Just noticed that Friday night trains back to Basingstoke (or anywhere past Winchester) stop at 10pm. They used to be much later so anybody that doesn't drive is going to be a bit stuffed tonight. A usable public transport system might help us reach net zero! On Saturday or Sunday they do run later - go figure.
  2. At least with an iPhone you can actually save it to your wallet so it works without the app or data connection. I did that, but of course nobody asked for it 🙂 It was hard enough to scan tickets on Sunday let alone anything else.
  3. But nobody forces women to take the pill, for example by making it a condition of entry to an event. Educate people of the benefits and let them make a free choice, without threats or coercion. It's clearly being done to boost uptake in the young because I don't see how sitting outside at the match can be more risky than sitting inside at a restaurant or pub. I don't come into close contact with 30,000 strangers on match days (only a few people sitting either side of me), and walking through the concourse is probably safer than taking the tube. I can understand masks in the concourse and even lateral flow tests while cases are high, but making vaccination a condition of entry is nuts.
  4. I had a booking confirmation email yesterday, and can now see a ticket to print online. But yeah odds on that either Southampton or where I live will be in tier 3 or 4 by then anyway. At least the game is on Prime and to be honest I'm not especially looking forward to the covid match day pantomime.
  5. Also many other factors such as population density, and general health of the population. The average age in Germany might be lower as might the percentage of obese people etc. I read somewhere that London has one of the highest population densities in Europe which explains why it was hit so badly.
  6. If the season can't be completed has anybody thought of just adjusting the starting points for each team so everyone starts relative to where they finished? So give Liverpool a 25 point lead and Saints -23 points etc.
  7. Same here! I'm going straight from work to the game, so glad I don't have to wait around for the post tomorrow. I did ask the ticket office what would happen if didn't turn up and they said to phone them and arrange for collection at the ground. So there are some contingency plans.
  8. Is anybody else still waiting for tickets to arrive? Ordered mine on the 28th. Not got my West Ham ticket yet either and ticket office normally send things out quickly.
  9. Ordered mine last night and it was "print at home". Maybe depends how early you ordered.
  10. Actually considering inflation quite happy that they have frozen prices. Council tax and almost everything else has gone up...
  11. To be fair big companies like Amazon would provide the tracking number, and even I do that when selling something on eBay :-) I guess the ticketing system is just not setup to do that and I cannot remember them ever sending anything special delivery before. Collection in Milan would have been a lot less stressful I'm sure. Luckily I don't fly until Wednesday PM so "should" be ok.
  12. Just got mine (number 827) without any queue. Feel quite lucky to get it with only 8 away games!
  13. Same here and only just arrived today. Seems a bit silly if they are going to send each ticket individually a few days before each game! Will check with the club if they don't make some announcement about it. Would be a lot easier if we could just use our smart-cards for all home games to avoid worrying about the post though.
  14. Yes, lovely place with very friendly locals. Wish we had the same cafe bar culture back in England.
  15. They have Saints flags and Union Jacks flying around the main square in Arnhem already! Nice touch. Would post a picture if I could figure out how to.
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