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Everything posted by bargeld

  1. copied from polish website I know that it's off subject but still funny
  2. I prefered this one http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-fpDVs-oVcHs/UOQ3i0O8mqI/AAAAAAAAAKs/Nqcg-u2dNNI/s1600/1249611997946.jpg
  3. It's another chance given to him. And it happened only 'cos polish coach wanted to have a chat with him about his commitment. Don't get too excited
  4. it doesn't matter now as they divorced. "On 11 June 2008, Boruc's then-wife Katarzyna gave birth to their son, Aleksander ("Aleks"), in Warsaw. Boruc and his wife separated in 2008, amid reports of his relationship with former Polish Idol contestant Sara Mannei.Fiancée Sara Mannei gave birth to daughter Amelia on 9 August 2010 in Poland. Boruc lives with Sara, Amelia, and Oliwia, his partner's daughter from a previous relationship." BTW Sara Mannei was linked to one of polish gangsters - http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/scottishnews/1962644/Boruc-girl-is-gangsters-ex.html Trust me, following his career is a great fun
  5. i don't know if this is prohibited or not but some ppl who want to have a bigger picture might have a look at this ...i really like the story about Boruc and scottish yobs (and dobermans) http://www.redcafe.net/f7/artur-boruc-biggest-menalist-football-215009/
  6. oh i do apologize ... i am polish and by "we" i meant "polish national team" not Southampton - but i really like the club and i am not one of "Rasiak fans" - although i joined forum back then.
  7. as i said in Artur Boruc thread it is a big suprise 'cos we have better goalkeepers and he is our third goalkeeper...but still. What is interesting is the fact that after "bottle incident" he looked very calm vs Villa and Everton. This is really unlike him...maybe he became Saint after all LOL
  8. Just to let you know guys that Artur has been called for a friendly game with Ireland as a third goalkeeper for polish national team. I thought that he will never make it again 'cos we have better goalkeepers than him but polish national coach wanted to give him another chance. That will be interesting
  9. like yesterday...all what you need
  10. i know what you guys need...a goalkeeper giving a little bit advice to his own defenders
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